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  1. Stinkmeaner

    Cheapest/Best Light Setup for 12 plants?

    if i were you id cut the amount of plants in half. do 6 to start with. if you still want to do 12 id say go with cavemans advice
  2. Stinkmeaner

    nervous Noob

    ok so im confused right about now. are you suppose to grow hand in hand with some drugdealers? i must have missed that part then i would have to say, dont do it. never trust nobody with anything about nothing. if they not family
  3. Stinkmeaner

    nervous Noob

    i say just go for it. and trautacus, what the hell are you worrying bout? talkin bout hes the reason herbs is illegal... makes no sense at all man.
  4. Stinkmeaner

    I need a safe website for cheap seed purchasing any tips????? btw, purchasing and possessing seeds is not illegal in most countrys. just so you know
  5. Stinkmeaner

    Is this normal?

    tell me about it. got my first sativa going. i am not all.
  6. Stinkmeaner

    Wanting Knowledge On Kush

    OG Kush sativa? i did not know this. Haze grows tall cause they sativa dominant. that goes for all sativas tell em!
  7. Stinkmeaner

    Is this normal?

    17 males hahaha and i thought I had bad luck xD they look a lil skinny. otherwise they fiiiine
  8. Stinkmeaner

    Wanting Knowledge On Kush

    difference between Kush and Haze is that one is sativa dominant, the other indica dominat. (usually) otherwise you grow them just as you grow any other beans. simple
  9. Stinkmeaner

    A few (stupid) questions!

    ok ok so thats how it is ^^ you should get a cooltube if you plan on gettin a HPS bulb. cause i know the police be flying around with them heatcameras
  10. Stinkmeaner

    A few (stupid) questions!

    wait what? since when is it legal to grow ganja in the UK ?! light bulb is how a matter of how big your wallet is and how big space you got. if you use HPS bulbs you can go with the same lights all through the grow. man you can just put the seed directly into the soil if you want. or you could...
  11. Stinkmeaner

    How long should a Lemon skunk go before cut down?

    yeah i know this man. i was just wandering if lemon skun generally is a fast finisher. wich i kinda need it to be
  12. Stinkmeaner

    My first eve grow - blueberry

    agreed. the original blueberry is a rare strain. like the original white widow. i had my share of fake fun
  13. Stinkmeaner

    How long should a Lemon skunk go before cut down?

    thats it? aiht but tells me i wont try it until i get proper lights btw, how long from start to finish? generally
  14. Stinkmeaner

    Feeling schedule Flowering

    nice man. mine about three weeks in too. but yours look way better. i say continue doin whatchu doin . it obviousl seems to work :)
  15. Stinkmeaner

    takin clones help have a ?

    yeah it helps alot actually. now i just gotta continue my journey on finding the perfect strain to clone.
  16. Stinkmeaner

    Possible male PLANT

    if that sucker is 3 foot, you should allready know the sex by now. i mean its gotta be mature allready
  17. Stinkmeaner

    kush plant update picture! do you know its a Kush if you found it? hmm anywho, put the lights closer. like coho said, its stretching
  18. Stinkmeaner

    takin clones help have a ?

    hey man isnt there any other way of taking clones? i mean do i have to use rockwool or whatever its called? cant figure out why i havent cloned not ONE plant yet haha
  19. Stinkmeaner

    How long should a Lemon skunk go before cut down?

    damn you two got some nice LS =O and i dont know how del6666 does that whole 12/12 from seed thingy. its beyond me