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  1. GreenphoeniX

    GreenX ~ Aero Trials ... Grow 1 (w/ Pictures)

    Just realized!!! The weekend after this one I start to flush! Will be 8 weeks in (so technically the AK will be ready but fuk it, it can go at least 9 weeks, hopefully it'll ride out the 10 weeks :)) then week 10 hopefully harvest! If it's not ready I will put on my patience hat and bite my...
  2. GreenphoeniX

    Wat 2 Look 4 In Trichs?!?!

    See now isn't that in the GrowFAQ and about a hundred threads? lol ... You'd think it would be easier to find for people looking for it!!! hahaha
  3. GreenphoeniX

    Whats it gonna take to get a pound?

    I can go into more detail later, but firstly, let me recommend a few basic things. (I'm not sure on your knowledge or experience level so we'll leave that out for now) - Aeroponic setup (not a funk aerogarden - a proper bought or decent DIY aero setup) DIY Aeroponic combined with DWC systems...
  4. GreenphoeniX

    Wat 2 Look 4 In Trichs?!?!

    This is true. Harvesting a little earlier will swing the buzz to more heady, whilst harvesting later (more amber trichs) will swing the buzz toward the body stone sort of thing, but it will only swing the buzz a little in either direction, high or stone is more so determined by strain. Indica...
  5. GreenphoeniX

    GreenX ~ Aero Trials ... Grow 1 (w/ Pictures)

    Cheers man! That's awesome to hear coz those Lady Sativas are like 70-90% Sativa, so although I'm hoping they'll be done in 10 weeks, Sativas are known to go for around 14 weeks :s ... Hopefully the aero can reduce that to around 10-11 :D Man I can't wait either!!! Will be awesome! ... Super...
  6. GreenphoeniX

    GreenX ~ Aero Trials ... Grow 1 (w/ Pictures)

    Haha. Cheers dude. I do like soil, tastes yummy. The Super Lemon Haze would taste better in an organic soil grow than in an aero grow, but I want big juicy nugs, fast! lol For future reference, the +rep thing is the little scale symbol in the top right corner of each persons post. between the...
  7. GreenphoeniX

    GreenX ~ Aero Trials ... Grow 1 (w/ Pictures)

    Cheers man. Check back in in about an hour, I'll try get some pics of my next aero system up for you, it's a bit different, ironed out a few flaws along the way! EDIT: Here's a few pics of the new aero setup. The sprayers create a cone of water spraying upward. Some draft stop around the top...
  8. GreenphoeniX

    Jigfresh's Grow #1 DIY Closet DWC Scrog - Hindu Skunk & White Widow - First grow ever

    Oh no! ... What were you toking on? ... Maybe you need to invest in some Kali Mist or some form of Haze lol
  9. GreenphoeniX

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    Oh no! ... What were you toking on? ... Maybe you need to invest in some Kali Mist or some form of Haze lol
  10. GreenphoeniX

    CANNA Aqua & Additives!

    Nice man. Cheers for the info and input!
  11. GreenphoeniX

    GreenX ~ Aero Trials ... Grow 1 (w/ Pictures)

    At the moment the Water Pump is on a cycle of ON 15 mins / OFF 15 mins Can't wait either man!!! Haha ... There's 4 weeks remaining provided these are ready in 10 Weeks - They may possibly take longer, I've never taken Lady Sativa to her full flowering potential so for all I know she could...
  12. GreenphoeniX

    which movies or tv shows do you whatch when stoned

    Yea I know, seems odd right! lol ... We're all entitled to our opinions though. ... Like I said, there are only a few good robot chicken clips amongst the crap lol ... If I wasn't into metal then Metalocalypse would most likely be considered crap too hahaha. I would have a longer list but...
  13. GreenphoeniX

    which movies or tv shows do you whatch when stoned

    I have to admit, 90% of the shows mentioned in this thread I can only stand to watch when I'm really high, otherwise they're just shit. But... Here's my list of shows lol: - Californication - Metalocalypse - Robot Chicken (But there are a lot of crap clips amongst the good ones - The good ones...
  14. GreenphoeniX

    Bubble Hash vs. Heads - Price?

    Wasn't too sure where to post this :S Quick question really. You all know Bubble Hash right? (The kind you make with Bubble Bags if you have no other way of making it :D) Well I've never paid for hash, the only hash I've ever had is what I've made myself... So I'm curious, how much...
  15. GreenphoeniX

    Jigfresh's Grow #1 DIY Closet DWC Scrog - Hindu Skunk & White Widow - First grow ever

    Dehumidifiers kick ass. I use one from about mid flowering onward if necessary (40-60% rH is usually fine for my strains, but if it goes above 60% I need to dehumidify lol) ... Definitely helps during the drying process too!!! Annoying thing though, is my one has about a 17L tank which pretty...
  16. GreenphoeniX

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    Dehumidifiers kick ass. I use one from about mid flowering onward if necessary (40-60% rH is usually fine for my strains, but if it goes above 60% I need to dehumidify lol) ... Definitely helps during the drying process too!!! Annoying thing though, is my one has about a 17L tank which pretty...
  17. GreenphoeniX

    GreenX ~ Aero Trials ... Grow 1 (w/ Pictures)

    Good stuff man! ... You know what sucks about these pictures, they get resized to a size that's too small and it doesn't do the trichomes justice lol So we now have approx. 4 Weeks until HARVEST! Yay! Here's some of Lady Sativa's buds, just beginning to swell :) - Should start to really...
  18. GreenphoeniX

    trimming lower branches/nodes to promote bigger/faster cola growth?

    That's sweet as man. Bottom 1/3 of the plant won't really matter, and only 16 days into flowering is sweet as in my opinion. I usually do my final trim 14 days into flowering so a couple more days won't matter.
  19. GreenphoeniX

    Cloning other plants?

    I'm not 100% sure to be honest, but it very possibly could be a species of tulip tree. The leaves look quite a bit different to tulip trees though. Maybe juvenile leaves, or a less common species of the same Genus or Family? Some species of perennial Tagetes (Marigold), at a distance, look very...
  20. GreenphoeniX

    Cloning other plants?

    Well I'm paid to know these things :) ... Love all plants, know plants, nurture plants, grow plants... Smoke plants that are smokeable :D hahaha ...Still, really can't think of what that first plant is??? :s