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  1. Humple

    Eat Your Heart Out COB and QB Growers!!

    Of course COBs, strips, or QBs would be better, but if someone were giving me sixteen SK602s for free, I sure as shit wouldn't turn then down. Yeah, Remo clearly has a relationship with Spectrum King, but that doesn't mean the lights are worthless. He's going to be using less energy than if he...
  2. Humple

    Eat Your Heart Out COB and QB Growers!!

    Until the certified, plug-and-play retail fixtures cost as little as DIY does now, I don't see LED taking over the commercial sector. Even then it will probably be a slow sell. Then again, I really don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, so this is just a layman's speculation.
  3. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    I'd like to know if the QB96 that the HLG-40 is based on will ever be sold separately, with a Molex connector.
  4. Humple

    Eat Your Heart Out COB and QB Growers!!

    Damn, Remo's rocking that beard. Kinda fucks with his marketing though.
  5. Humple

    Post your light!!!

    Friend, you are the only one who interpreted hybridway2's post in a negative way. Everyone else in this thread clearly picked up that his comment was actually about people who complain that LEDs cost too much. It was, in fact, a supportive post. A friendly post. The fact that you instantly saw...
  6. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    That is just too fucking cool. Nice idea, man.
  7. Humple

    Small time farmer here, good choice?

    And will easily give you 150w at the wall.
  8. Humple

    Can a light get too efficient

    Energy cannot be consumed. Only transferred.
  9. Humple

    Can a light get too efficient

    But that light will ultimately be converted back into heat.
  10. Humple

    Post your light!!!

    Dude, you really did misunderstand what he was saying. He wasn't directing anything negative towards you. He was making a facetious observation on how so many people think LEDs are too costly. He even explained that. If you go looking for enemies, you'll find them, even where they are not to be...
  11. Humple

    Small time farmer here, good choice?

    What size is your grow space? You won't be able to replace 400w of HPS with 100w of LED. I think you should be shooting for at least 250w. What is your total budget?
  12. Humple

    New light or????

    The thing you may not be considering is that a lot of the people who are making the claim that mid-power diode-based lights offer better penetration are former COB users. So they at least have personal experience on their side in this debate. Why don't you complete a grow with strips and then...
  13. Humple

    New light or????

    To my layman's mind, that actually sounds like a good analogy. The LED veterans here could tell us if it actually is though! However it's explained, I believe those who argue for diffusion as the true "penetration", because I've seen it in my own plants.
  14. Humple

    New light or????

    Honestly, I don't think a valid comparison can even be made. Growing different strains (even different phenos) changes the equation entirely.
  15. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Personally, I'd consider 5000k only for a dedicated seedling/clone space. For me, any space in which I veg could also be purposed for flowering. When even 3000k can veg like these things can, there's just no sense in tying up a space with a veg-only light. This is just my personal preference, of...
  16. Humple

    Crazy root development under QB?

    You're definitely not the first person I've heard say that they're seeing noticably faster root development under COBs/QBs/strips. But I really don't know how that could be, so I hold no opinion on the matter.
  17. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Basically, you can go with 3000k, 3500k, or 4000k for an all-around seed-to-harvest light. Most here seem to go for 3000k or 3500k. Don't sweat it.
  18. Humple

    New light or????

    Awesome. Thanks for the clarification!
  19. Humple

    New light or????

    The description says they're using QB288s (they also use the term "Quantum Boards"), but I don't see HLG's branding stamped on the boards in the picture, and the diodes are in an unbroken line from one end of the board to the other, like a QB304. I don't have a problem with another vendor...
  20. Humple

    Do Mars hydro 300w full spec led's really suck that much?

    The Mars will veg a 2'x2' okay, but you'll definitely want something better for flowering. That Quantum Board kit linked above will rock out a 2'x2' in flower. I have two of those kits myself. Killer lights.