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  1. skate4theherb

    diagnosis help

    it could be nutrient deficiency or nute burn. If you don't know your PH you could have a imbalance in your PH and could be causing a nutrient deficiency. you can buy the PH TEST KIT FOR 17.20$ at a hydro store or Online GH makes it. The way you will test your soil is to pour plan water into the...
  2. skate4theherb

    Quick question for a newbie

    it looks like your doing good so far. auto plants do weird things so if you see them not grow right,dont worry they just do funny things sometimes.. now the two that are growing like mad, thats a great sign to see,it means the have plant vigor. treat these ladys good and they will pay off for...
  3. skate4theherb

    cutting a clone ( bush master )

    You can always try one or two... i would cut the clones from the top side of the plants. since bushmaster stops the vertical growth and cause more lateral branching. Your best chance is taking a clone or two from the top side branches.... always worth a try. until then you will never know...
  4. skate4theherb


    No way dude... stay away from these types of seeds or plants...these plantS always have issue and troubles..and if someone is growing 65 plants. You want to play it safe and no end up with hermie plants or ones that will not flower. STAY WITH REGULAR SEEDS. PLEASE :)
  5. skate4theherb


    I dont know the seed bank you are at. So i can say look for a hybrid that is indica dominant,it will give you the 8 week harvest time,and the heavier yields. Indica dominant plants are short in size and grow heavier buds. Anything with the name "HAZE" in it will be a sativa dominant plant...
  6. skate4theherb

    Hows it going??

    Hows it going??
  7. skate4theherb

    Understanding N-P-K

    Understanding how and when to fertilize is an important part of growing marijuana. Each bag or bottle of fertilizer is labeled with a set of numbers representing three of the macro-nutrients used by plants. These numbers are always in the same order and correspond to the specific plant...
  8. skate4theherb

    Is this a female?

  9. skate4theherb

    Is this a female?

  10. skate4theherb

    LED heat question

    i use the silica all the though the grow untill your last two week of flower,this is a good time to start using a Sweetener like these ones from GH ( ) yes when using mineral magic, it will increase nute uptake all...
  11. skate4theherb

    worth transplant in flower for few extra cms depth

    Are you using a 20gal pot?? or 20 Inch pot?? I like to always use 1gal per foot of growth Inside,but outside i like to go bigger 10-30 gal pots. check out these fabric aeration container,there are a few brands out there,but they all work the same. you cant get root rot,or root bound, and the pot...
  12. skate4theherb

    Is this a female?

    as sad as it is to say i think its a male plant..but give it a week longer to just be a pic next week and we will for sure be able to tell.. But if you see balls drop out of it,cut the male down
  13. skate4theherb

    northeast outdoor 2014

    Really??.....HMMMMMM i have used it so many times and never get snails... well you could put down some bird seed to bring birds your garden and they will the snails and caterpillars...
  14. skate4theherb

    LED heat question

    Hey there yes this kind of silica will do the same as the one i told the guy above. Just remember to mix this silica in your water first,before adding any other nutes. are you running hydro??? or soil?? if your running hydro you CAN NOT use micro-organisms in your grow.... But your using soil...
  15. skate4theherb

    northeast outdoor 2014

    i like to use sluggo organic snail bait, its super safe and cheap for a big thing of the stuff. YES IT WORKS
  16. skate4theherb

    LED heat question

    You really want to keep your room around 75-80F with 40-60%humidity. If you cant keep it in that range,make sure you are using silica, it will make your plant cells nice and tight and will make your plants able to deal with heat stress and other stress that may come along. which is what will...
  17. skate4theherb


    CHECK THIS LINK OUT.. IT WILL REALLY HELP TO TRACK THE MOON .. And this link can track the suns daylight times:
  18. skate4theherb

    Gavita Pro 1000 DE Complete Fixture

    I can tell you that my buddy bought two of these lights and put them on movers and was able to take out his 4 1000watts and is now saving money on power,and it easier to cool his he is getting better yields,then with the 4000watts. also he is only running the lights on the 750 setting...
  19. skate4theherb

    Why arent my preflowers turning to Buds?

    I would change you lighting time to 12/12,just to test them. If you dont see any flowers in a week or more growth of flowers. CUT THOSE BITCHES....LOL Sometime auto seed will do weird things like this. They are not very stable. If i were you i would find some nice clones,Just make sure to...
  20. skate4theherb

    hello and a question

    I dont think that is hemp.. sad to say. it looks like a wild plant of some kind. i would cut one down and take it to your local nursery, I would bet they could tell you what it is.. Here is a field of hemp plants: