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  1. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Dad's love letter to gay teenage son.

    you'd be surprised how many gay men have kids, i know many who did, even some lesbians that did. richard dawkins had a video discussing this and gave a few darwinian reasons as to why something that would seemingly be selfdestructive to its own survival can still be carried on...
  2. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Some Jokes

    two catholic priests are sitting, eating at an outdoor cafe. A twelve year old walks past, priests 1 says to the other, "man he must've been something back in the day!" pedophile joke
  3. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Meeting members

    dude on the bottom left caught peeping dat ass.
  4. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    22 month old hitting the refer...

    maybe they should just take her kids away, death penalty is a bit harsh, i've seen my baby relatives get the tips of their cocks cut off in public and liquored up in the process, then have a grown man fellate him to get rid of the excess blood, and nobody is asking for rabbi's to be killed.
  5. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    22 month old hitting the refer...

    being raised by a damn samsquanch!
  6. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Anxiety Attacks!

    homeopathy = placebo its not proven to work.
  7. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Good or Evil, What would you choose?

    i always replay the same video games time and again, and for fun i pick different paths(generally speaking role playing games) and sometimes its good to be bad, in video games.
  8. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Meeting members

    Harrekin, tyler durden, , Racerboy71, theskunkmunkie, fddb2blk, Claytonbigsby. unclebuck, Cannabineer, ninjabowler, flaming pie, ginwilly, abandon conflict, D3monic, unohu69 and carne seca among many others.
  9. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Do you think these 3 actresses are hot?

    jessica biel.... ma gawd! i was crushing on that girl since i was a kid watching seventh heaven. not to sound mean but asian women just don't do it for me, i like a woman with curves and a nice ass. asian women lack in the posterior department.
  10. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    What do you do to lower your tolerance?

    i smoked a gram and a half of hash within that day, it was ridiculous but it was worth it. felt good, real good.(about 4-5 hours of time left after i got off work)
  11. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Meeting members

    to be honest, i'd like to smoke with a bunch of people on these forums and pick their brains a bit. too numerous to name.
  12. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Meeting members

    hazey grapes. the man.... the mystery!
  13. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    What do you do to lower your tolerance?

    i smoke to cope with my anxiety and insomnia, my month off was a tough month but you gotta do what ya gotta do when the drug tests start coming around. im surprised i passed.
  14. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Games you've spent >1000 hours playing

    haha yes all 3 great games!
  15. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Games you've spent >1000 hours playing

    a lesser man would be to afraid to admit such truths, i commend you +rep.
  16. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    sea of seeds is trustworthy/dependable, its up there with the attitude (actually better when it comes to customer satisfaction IMO).
  17. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Ice, Full moon, Blue mystic (nirvana shop)

    blue mystic doesn't like being rootbound, overall its pretty stable, some plants have a bit more stretch than others. smells a bit berry-like. does well with fim/topping and supercropping. i put mine through alot of stress and not a single seed or herm in the bunch, not saying you won't get any...
  18. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Most stable "Chocolate" strain?

    only grew a 10 pack of escobars chocolate rain, it was pretty stable, no herms and 2 phenotypes. 1 10 week pheno and like 5 were of a 13 week pheno. good f/m ratio too.
  19. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    What do you do to lower your tolerance?

    exercise does help remove thc from your system. when i started smoking again about 2 weeks ago i would exercise and get high! it was such a long time since that happened, like i was jogging and all of a sudden i started getting a buzz(not like a runners high) this hasn't happened to me in years.
  20. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Help with a name please?

    i had a crow that was always in my back yard teasing my dog. loved the thing though because it would strut back and forth by my porch glass door and my dog would just follow it for up to an hour, smart birds. other douchebag birds would dive bomb and swoop in and try to pick fights with it...