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  1. G

    Why is this plant looking like this?

    Hello! So this wedding cake by Linda seeds just looks a bit sad. Water feed is bio bizz bloom and grow, in coots mix soil. The medium is around 6.8 ph, the feed is about 6.5 ph. I cut open the bottom of my airpots and it was bone dry a week ago, watering every 2 days with 2 liters. Now I...
  2. G

    Adding UVA

    Mars Hydro I'm a bit confused. On your guide you say to run the lights 10 on 10 off 10 on before lights out. However all the research I'm reading online states the benefit comes from running ir 10 minutes after lights off?
  3. G

    Bio Bizz Nutes low on nitrogen?

    Probably about 20 percent of the overall volume is from the last grow, 80 percent Diy coots. Most the last batch is in my outdoor garden now. Just to add the last bAtch was a store bought, seemingly following subs recipe but just had constant issues.
  4. G

    Bio Bizz Nutes low on nitrogen?

    My last grow I started with super soil and it ran out of food so don't wanna risk it again. Actually coots does feed his plants teas. Bio bizz is totally organic, mostly kelp, molasses and aloe Vera. I actually just lolipopped so no effected leaves are left but here is a pic from a day or 2...
  5. G

    Bio Bizz Nutes low on nitrogen?

    Hello, so I'm growing in coots recipe 12g airpots and day 16 of flower. I'm feeding bio bizz grow, bloom and acti vera (aloe). I'm noticing some lower leafs yellowing a little and wondering if it's worth a worm castings top dress? Or could it just be normal considering the leafs were not...
  6. G

    Mars Hydro UR45 UVA Reviews? Thoughts on UVA in general?

    Yeah its actually nuts whoever decided it was good to put them on one channel.. today I had 1 alarm to turn on uv light, 1 alarm to turn it off, another alarm to tell me to turn on my it, another to tell me to turn it off 10 mins later, another to tell me to turn it back on 10 mins later, then...
  7. G

    Every water my leaves droops, they pray the next day... So should I dim the lights?

    I'm not really concerned about the droop, its just the leaves droop a bit after each water for a few hours, then stand up and pray again. I think it's quite normal; my main question is more a theory I'm wondering if anyone else has experimented with. As the droop is likely caused by temporary...
  8. G

    Every water my leaves droops, they pray the next day... So should I dim the lights?

    Hello! So everytime I water my plants growing in coots mix, the leaves get quite droopy. 2l in a 12gallon pot so it shouldn't be too much water. I figure its ok as within 24 hours they perk up and look great! However I am wondering since the drooping is the roots struggling to breath after the...
  9. G

    Mars Hydro UR45 UVA Reviews? Thoughts on UVA in general?

    Thanks for your great reply! When you said Bruce is fake news do you mean in your oppinion he's spreading some mis information? I do find it odd that in one video he talks about the benefits of uva but in another is saying they can't find any evidence of it increasing terps when there is so...
  10. G

    Questions for Expert Growers, Bro Science?

    Great reply thanks! I found some new interesting reasons for the day 21 trim. It states generally, most plants have finished the stretch and extra fiber production by that time and you don't want to stress the plant during the stretch, better to do it in the period between the stretch and the...
  11. G

    Mars Hydro UR45 UVA Reviews? Thoughts on UVA in general?

    Has anyone used the above light yet? Have any comparisons vs with and without? I see a lot of mixed opinions on UVA in general! The main benefit I wanted to see was increased terps but according to Bruce, that's just fake news. Seems like the best we can hope for is it's a really in-efficient...
  12. G

    Questions for Expert Growers, Bro Science?

    Actually it includes everybody, because everybody thinks they're an expert anyway ;) Just trying to make the post more intriguing!
  13. G

    Questions for Expert Growers, Bro Science?

    So 1) Why wait till week 3 to lolipop and defoliate? Is this just for commercial grows to schedule their operations? To me it makes sense to do it earlier when you can blatently see some nodes aren't going to reach the canopy after a week of stretch, so energy isn't wasted on those nodes. 2)...
  14. G

    Forums Say Soil is Best, Commercial Growing Pro's telling me Coco is best.

    Hello! So I've been tirelessly reading online for some time to discover if it's worth jumping to coco-perlite from soil, with liquid nutrients. Every post I see practically says soil tastes better and yields only slightly less. However I've spoken to a few commercial growers, I'm talking legal...
  15. G

    Cutting through the Bullshit to find the best strains

    So like many things in life, the best marketed products tend to appear to be the best... Strains such as blue dream and wedding cake are repeatedly called the best and most popular, but after research it seems the legit strains with those names are clone only. Then, I realize the only way to...
  16. G

    Is this likely low pH?

    Think you might be right... Soil PH Is fine, about 6.5-6.75 Lowered light and didn't help, plants looked generally unhappy until I raised it again now they're perky again. Watering I've kept the same, 1.5 lt, a light feed of bio bloom and grow since the soil mix I made is coots recipe, so...
  17. G

    Is this likely low pH?

    Plant looks no better after almost 24h reduced light, so guess it's pH or not enough water like herb and suds said... Still no pH meter and due a water so think I'll risk adding a little bit of calcium to the water
  18. G

    Is this likely low pH?

    Thanks guys, I've lowered the light intensity for the day while I await my ph meter, the soil is fairly moist so don't think it's under watered.
  19. G

    Is this likely low pH?

    More like 1 foot away, even less... could that be it? I find phones cant correctly pickup the light readings personally so wouldn't be surprised if it was considerably higher than the reading.
  20. G

    Is this likely low pH?

    That's a neat app! My light is a mars hydro FC 6500 at 50 percent. It's giving me 300 or so par reading using that app. Guessing it's only seeing part of the spectrum though. Still think it could be too much?