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  1. Garden Knowm

    seedlings leave tips brown...

    stop watering until soil is nearly dry...
  2. Garden Knowm

    What does everyone think?

    DOUBLE POST.... no no no iloveyou
  3. Garden Knowm

    Show Me The Light

    12/12 it is not the light but the darkness that is vital.. for a plant to flower.. produce buds... produce substantial THC.... it needs at least 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness every 24 hours. iloveyou
  4. Garden Knowm

    Can I move my timer forward 15 minutes when flowering?

    Hello Mr. LAND, If you are at 12/12 and yo just move the on time/off time forward 15 minutes... you will be fine... The main concern is that the plant gets at least 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness. iloveyou
  5. Garden Knowm

    What does everyone think?

    NICE... when are you going to flower..? She looks ready for flowering NOW! lovelovelove
  6. Garden Knowm


    iloveyou iloveyou iloveyou
  7. Garden Knowm

    Fitness - 3 bars of death

    try it out... the cleans are squat cleans.. ouch..
  8. Garden Knowm

    Vote WAR vote McCain...
  9. Garden Knowm

    If you only do one thing today... it should be this...
  10. Garden Knowm


    WOW.. GREAT POST! iloveyou
  11. Garden Knowm

    Ron Paul Economics

    George BUSH ? John McCain ? YouTube - 9/21/2008 Ron Paul on the Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer
  12. Garden Knowm

    Not sure who to vote for ?

    YouTube - ABC Panel Tears Into McCain McCain is just not capable to lead. McCain is weak and he will be controlled like a marionette. His leadership days are OVER. If McCain gets elected, we won't know who is in control. He is ripe to be handled like a puppet by those around him.
  13. Garden Knowm

    Here is why you are not voting for Obama

    but it does need you need to smoke more and get rid of all your gear with swastikas embroider on the front... and start hugging trees
  14. Garden Knowm

    Ron Paul Economics

    YouTube - Ron Paul Fox News 9/17/08 AIG bailout more love FOX reporter is a douche
  15. Garden Knowm


    can't believe it.. but really look forward to this guys videos YouTube - Teaching Porn in Schools! Phill DeFranco great shit
  16. Garden Knowm

    Drug Addict for President and it aint weed

    so, when you are NOT SURE.. you attack ? hmmm... sounds like the number one premise and philosophy of the republican party.. and baby rattle snakes.. "when unsure.. ATTACK..." "NUKE EM and let GOD sort them out" ~i'm john mcsame and I support this message well... at least you are...
  17. Garden Knowm

    Old white man -

    Please don't talk about me in the same post that you quote NUMB NUTZ.. i deserve my own post... :hump:
  18. Garden Knowm

    Old white man -

    i don't think electricity should be provided to ANYBODY... solar only (for those who can afford it).. SUN power or darkness... you choose...
  19. Garden Knowm

    Goodbye people

    welcome back
  20. Garden Knowm

    Super thrive on soil?

    check the CFL section of this site... it is made for you CFL Growing iloveyou