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  1. BeefSupreme

    molasses-how to

    Great to know this about molasses. I used unpasteurized honey for the same reasons. Cheers
  2. BeefSupreme

    Chickenpoop's outdoor grow

    If you supercropped those and opened up the canopy it might help a bit with the rot, or at least tie down some of the branches to get some circulation and more light inside.
  3. BeefSupreme

    portland grow:0 feedback needed!

    When did you start those? It looks like they could use more light, they would be a lot bushier and wouldnt stretch as much. How many hours of light a day do you get?
  4. BeefSupreme

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    You dont want the bud to dry too fast, you wanna aim for about 5 days.
  5. BeefSupreme

    Is this a mag deficeny

    Ya definitely not a burn, you would have big patches. Id guess mites too. Theres good organic sprays that will take care of them, but get on it early.
  6. BeefSupreme

    Is it to late to move my vegging indoor plants outdoors? southern California

    Yeah def depends on the strain, 1 foot plants might reach a 1 1/2 feet to 2 feet, you might get an ounce off each one if you're lucky. Dont give them too many nutes to make up for your lost time or else you'll have a complete mess on your hands. Best of luck
  7. BeefSupreme

    Plant broke

    I used to think broken tops were a bad thing, until I recently discovered a method of "supercropping" where you intentionally bend the stalks to open up the canopy, cause a bit more stress and causes the plant to send extra nutrients to the break site. As long as its hanging on, you are in good...
  8. BeefSupreme

    Portland area greenhouse grow

    Hey Uncle Buck, love the grow, looks like you got it down to a science! Just curious on last year, I was reading the posts and I never saw what you got out of that. Ive got some pics posted of mine this year, and just wondering what I can expect. Thanks!
  9. BeefSupreme

    need ventilation help

    I have a 6inch Vortex Fan. It works great, i had it on about half power when i had my 6x7x6 box. It moves tonnes of air and is pretty quite. Also, i had 2 digital 600w lights in my room, and yours is bigger. I would go for at least 2 if not 3 or 4, 600w bulbs if you can. The t5 lights dont have...
  10. BeefSupreme

    Electrical Gear + question

    If you went to 240V you can double your distance, so you would get 104 feet on 6AWG Copper
  11. BeefSupreme

    the cure for cancer

    The FDA also approves stuff that makes you blind and kills you. They cant come out with a cure for cancer, its too big of an industy now, especially in this "depression"
  12. BeefSupreme

    Canadian Drug Laws

    thats awesome. what a hypocracy though, its medicinal to some and dangerous to everyone else. I cant believe they still get away with this stuff
  13. BeefSupreme

    Help my plant! I'm having hard time with temps!

    ya those lights could be closer if you had some ventilation. without proper ventilation, your plants will have countless problems so its a good investment anyways. You want the temp around 60-70 if you can. also, those 5500k bulbs are NOT the spectrum you want, your plants arent getting much...
  14. BeefSupreme

    Electrical Gear + question

    The Canadian Electrical Code says that you can have a wire that is 18m (54 feet) for a 63amp service. Technically you should go to #4 which would give you 29.7m (89 feet), but are you going to use all 48amps available?
  15. BeefSupreme

    Please help me identify my problem - Yellow Leaves and Brown Spots

    ppm is waay too high for that size of a plant. Lower it to 400-500ppm and you should see some recovery
  16. BeefSupreme

    "Claw" Leaves Around Buds! Need some help please!

    The only thing i can think of is your ventilation, the rest of what your doing looks good and they dont look burnt to me.
  17. BeefSupreme

    some droop and some color on leaves

    looks like they dried out.. do you have water running over that rockwoll?!
  18. BeefSupreme

    Mysterious plant problems

    looks like its a nutrient problem that is based on a pH imbalance. What is your pH at? they look over watered as well..
  19. BeefSupreme

    clone roots black oil?

    does it smell bad? could just be the nutrients, I know that Humic Acid is blacker then a babies shit
  20. BeefSupreme

    Pics of my problem. Please diagnose.

    ya looks like a nutrient lockout due to pH problems. Get your pH to around 6.2-6.5