coke is for sniffing...if you get some pure and it's rock solid you can smoke it. Otherwise get out your pot of water and old mayo jar plus baking soda,and start cooking
a friend of mines grew over 98 grams off two plants using only bagseed, and ghetto grow equipment...cardboard box, foil, 6-8 cfls etc.. I'm currently doing the same. 15 days. I'll post my pics on my page.
I'm on my first grow far so good 15 days in. I used scotts because I thought the Miracle Grow had too many nutes to start off. I did use the Miracle Grow Perlite to mix. I don't know how to post pics.
I'm a total newbie with my first grow on... I'm 15 days in from seed, should I be switching to another pot already. I'm using those large red party cups? my plants are about 2-3 inches and a little bushy?
There is a post about the diffrent problems your plants can have.... I'm trying to find it now myself because my leaves up in the air @ the moment. Do you check your water or soil PH? I'm 14 days in....
@ nl3004.kind The state of Mass. has issued a tax stamp it hit the books in Sept. 09 and was approved, a year ago this week. I never said it was legal. What I meant in my words are because of the tax stamp it will only make common sense that they have something to put it on in the future...
lmao.. At least you get to burn outside on the little tables and stuff, take a canal ride, look at the dirty swans in the red light The weather is always chilly when I'm there it is just like here in NE towards the end of November. But you can always hop in a glass window to...
VT I want to come up to Ben and Jerry's with my, I'm thinking of going to The A (as me and my friends call it) in November around Cannabis Cup. The Centre is really poppin then. You go out @ 4 am and the red light is packed.
I know last September Mass. established a marijuana tax sticker to put on your pot, so I would think they are definately on the way...especially with Maine, Rhode Island and Vermont already starting to rake in the tax dollars!!! Now we need New Hampshire and CT to get on board.
I got those same bulbs from home depot but I got the 27 watt cfl = 100 watt bulb. I have of them at the moment and will add 2 more and a T5 or a 150 watt CFL. I'm using bagseed myself so did'nt want to spend to much. So I take it ordering from Nirvana has been postive for you?
If they are 5 weeks I think you can start with some sort of nutes like fish emulsion mixed in the water because they need the nitrogen...I think that's why they may have the little yellow spots. check out the plant doc forum just to make sure, better safe than sorry. Plus if something goes...
I heard Hanna is a good company to go with for a PH Meter... I still have 2 weeks before nutes so I have'nt grabbed one yet. I would check Amazon or
I think it would depend on the amount of space vs cfm....from what I hear you can also use an A/C or Co2 enrichment to help with the heat with Co2 having the added benefit.