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  1. nattyhead357

    2nd marijuana growing atempt. Need pointers.

    all sounds fine right now, ill subb and if i can be of any help, then I'll throw in my 2 cents
  2. nattyhead357

    is this a good idea?

    Id go for those anyway since they are at the bottom, they will not yield as much as higher "branches"
  3. nattyhead357

    3 bag seeds.

    ^True. Ill wait...
  4. nattyhead357

    XxNinjaxX's ScrOB (Cheese That Is)

    Lookin good Ninja man!
  5. nattyhead357

    3 bag seeds.

    like in the corners??
  6. nattyhead357

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    ^^ that made no sense.. lol but im blazed soooo who cares... Subbed on the grow my man, Im here if you need any help. First grow as well but I've been around my pops for my whole life and he has been growing as long as I can remember, so I know a few things1 Peace natty
  7. nattyhead357

    3 bag seeds.

    You will definitly need to upgrade your lighting, but for now, your fine. But more light can't hurt. Pics would be nice... Ill subb and see if my .02 cents cant help any.
  8. nattyhead357

    is this a good idea?

    I have always heard to take a branch that has at least three nodes... but I have also seen people take some with no nodes yet. If you have a 3 node branch, i would go with that though. The clone Idea sounds Like a good plan!
  9. nattyhead357

    Suspicious Plants

    Japanese maple
  10. nattyhead357

    Suspicious Plants

    Japanese Maples look like the dankness leaves
  11. nattyhead357

    Suspicious Plants

    buahaha! this is funny
  12. nattyhead357


    BUAHAHAHA!!! Mr. Grizz!!! How could you have let this information leak onto the world wide web!!!
  13. nattyhead357

    Need help with cooling and fast! PICS

    Daniels- thanks I checked it out again and now it makes since. Thanks again! Evo- Sweet ass fan and thermometer (where can I pick one of those up?) I'll definitly take a look at the fan if you wanna post the link
  14. nattyhead357

    Help a dude out

    ^^ so tru my man, people think cuz they have some rep, that they are to good to answer everyones questions... Fuck that, I wanna spread the wealth of knowledge!!! Yo jared! I know how you fell, My lights fell twice, burnt the SHIT!!! out of them, but they came back to life so its all good in...
  15. nattyhead357

    Extremely new grower...

    yea I saw them online, My lowes dosn't carry them... :( I have a genious plan MUAHAHA, I will post it as soon as I get the supplies
  16. nattyhead357

    Best way to start germinated seeds?

    nicely done
  17. nattyhead357

    Need help with cooling and fast! PICS

    Hey thanks daniels, Ive been following yours closly and even with your pics I don't seem to understand your ventalation methods of the pics. maybe I'm just a little slow though :) Well, You guys have been more than helpful when throwing ideas at me, I will definitly take your advice on...
  18. nattyhead357

    Mystery seed, first grow, CFL

    wonderful idea! pm me for suggestions and hints if interested. you can learn from my mistakes lol
  19. nattyhead357

    Need help with cooling and fast! PICS

    Well next grow I will journal it. It will be with some notable strains... theses are bag seeds
  20. nattyhead357

    Mystery seed, first grow, CFL

    hmmm kinda small area but People utilize pc boxes so Im sure there is a way to do this... subbed