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  1. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Querkle - 2nd grow

    do it man i just get my new strains from the clubs here in colorado any more but if i had to get my new strains from a seed bank tga would be the one for sure!
  2. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    i really enjoy ak strains i have a few seeds that i got from pollenating a mother of cherry bomb ( my default ) with an ak-48 daddy i plan to grow those out next. what was going on with that one fan leaf? the rest look fine? regardless I know it made for some connoisseur grade nuggets enjoy!
  3. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Querkle - 2nd grow

    :mrgreen:tga subcool is like the only seed bank i respect anymore good luck
  4. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Weird pattern on leaves, please help diagnose !!

    The first one looks like bird shit but the others tell me otherwise
  5. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Lighting question! Vegging too O__o

    i vegg with 2 t 5's but I'm sure there are better ways to do it. . .
  6. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    it is a complement and all drama aside do you mind me asking what strain? what method of growth?
  7. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    wow man i was trying to have a happy ending to a bitter situation by complementing your photo that i truly thing is a beautiful plant, i guess i am the five year old?
  8. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    the default complement goes @ whiteberrywiddow not djruinner.
  9. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    it's probably good and if your leaving me alone did you really have to end it with defenseless baby? and your are saying your going to be the big man and end with that? i think your insults seem more defenseless to me but this is over. - i would like to say however i really like your default and...
  10. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    your insults look more like shit talk to me than my statements about not half assing a grow?
  11. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    also I'm quite proud of the harvest in my default so please don't bash it its not getting us any further in the debate we are involved with.
  12. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Too many tops?!?!?

    those are looking really healthy man keep up the good work. - dank
  13. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    Okay so from what i see i have torn down every one of your rebuttals so bad that you are resorting to further remarks about me whacking off? and no weed makes people retarded get off riu man and get out of the cannabis movement we don't need people that will shit talk weed to hurt peoples...
  14. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    *maybe i noticed a typo 2 posts back i better correct it so you cant use that as one of your BRILLIANT insults
  15. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    i see a career in nothing from you, but shit talk and insults no valid statements what so ever.
  16. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    i have posted one mabey 2 youtube videos from people that share my point of view, so saying stop masturbating to grow videos is really beside the point.
  17. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    make that the 3 stooges pantera is horrible by the way.
  18. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    looks like the too stooges have each other's back on this one, i must be wrong ahahahahahahahaha