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  1. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    heroic doses of lsd

    I took 5 blotter tabs of cheshire cats ( to some people this might not seem like alot but to me god damn ) so yeah i took the tabs about ten mins apart and my thoughts were going so fast i couldn't remember my last thought as soon as the next one came. so i guess i would just like to hear your...
  2. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Too many tops?!?!?

    he has 14 tops so im guessing 7 times but idk if my mathmatical strategy is correct on that one?
  3. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    The Truth on Organic Growing

    if your using fox farm soil mix's you'd better go with happy frog! - gl
  4. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Growing Upside down ( light no the ground ) like top

    why do people condense pictures to picks instead of pic's there is no k in picture people ( @ tybudz )
  5. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Growing Upside down ( light no the ground ) like top

    i think it all seems fairly pointless. just more node spacing so more stem = less buds because that means more energy is being put into growing and thickening the stems plus more stem length = more distance for nutes to travel. Face it this is retarded
  6. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Check out these pix!

    looks great would have been better though in some 5 gallons at least.
  7. dnkfrmthasoilz7


    there has been recorded data stating that hydro has higher levels of thc. also he know's 100x more about growing than you. Also he didn't say that he was some sort of a scientist he said that through the scientific method ( humans consciously created and laid out guide lines ) you can beat out...
  8. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Weird pattern on leaves, please help diagnose !!

    worms? i don't think thats nute burn or a under nute i think it is a parasite
  9. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    ORGANICS vs SYNTHS i couldn't said it better myself

    bump someone needs to view this
  10. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    The Truth on Organic Growing couldn't have said it better myself
  11. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    How am I doing?

    Look at all those bud sites man looks like its going to be some dank, job well done - dank. Ill give you + rep
  12. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    So What Is Everyone Smoking?

    I'm smoking of the last of my colorado mist harvest and fuck idk how many strains i have picked up from my local dispensary to many to count in the last month
  13. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    how to make full dense buds?

    I have to respectfully disagree with black thumb if you treat a naturally dense strain with poor lighting it won't be very dense, if you give a fluffy strain the optimal lighting conditions it will do better than it would without.
  14. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Does wolf piss really work?

    It will work just don't get that neem oil or the piss on your buds come flowering time, all though you prolly wont need to protect it much come flowering time. All my outdoor zealot buddies here in colorado just use their own piss and it works wonders!
  15. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    How do you grow kush? For a good yield?

    It won't fail sound's really nice actually if you made it this far I'm sure you will do fine. also I'm sure you will get VERY HIGH yields with that much vegg and an hps. remember boys and girl's led lights are for pussy's
  16. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    can i chop early

    you could but i wouldn't it will be very un tastey and low on thc like asdf1 if you dont cut it it will doubble in size and increase in potency, if you do it though don't dry it in the microwave or the oven put it on top of your computer or tv for a coupple hours
  17. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    ORGANICS vs SYNTHS i couldn't said it better myself check it out learn it, live it.:blsmoke:
  18. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    The REALITY OF ORGANICS i couldn't have said it better myself
  19. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Fox Farm or Advanced Nutrients?

    Fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox farm fox fox farm fox farm...
  20. dnkfrmthasoilz7

    Advanced Nutrients Big Bud is it worth it?? ( Indoor soil grower)

    that i after percent was a typo, so i hope you don't try and use that in your next rebuttal. I'm sure you would have because you have nothing els to use.