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    A little help?

    ROFL!! Thats all ya got?? Looks completely nitrogen filled too!! Way too green. Bet it tasted horrible. Yuck!! :neutral:

    "Closetgrowth's 2200 watt dwc hydro/soil grow" :)

    The medscientist gettin down!!!! :o

    "Closetgrowth's 2200 watt dwc hydro/soil grow" :)

    Hey Thanks guys :) Yea, having them tall ceilings come in handy. Put up this room within a huge garage, and harvested a couple of crops already. Came out fantastic!! I wanted to post some new pics tonight, but got involved with other things. ill try my best to get something posted by...

    A little help?

    If someone was using hardwater from a well with an 8.5 ph That wouldnt harm a plant in hydro? Think again Einstein.

    A little help?

    Ph isn't important?? ROFL! :lol: Now ive heard it all! Hey Ninja turtle, you seriously need to do your homework and quit throwing out bogus statements like that. You know nothing. Ph is very important. And btw, if you use a "top of the line" nutrient in the first place, you wouldnt need calmag...

    A little help?

    Ok, gotcha. I would dump the res and mix up a fresh batch. It may be a slight nute deficiency since your running em at a rather low ppm. Also, Might wanna lower ph to 5.8 then your plant will be uptaking all the nutrients it requires. 6.0 is not bad, but 5.8 is optimal. I run my hydro plants at...

    A little help?

    Are you referring to the slight canoe look? that would be heat stress. Most likely from the light being too close to the plant. 500 ppm is a tad bit on the low side. Are you in veg or flower?

    MedScientists Project - Master LED's

    Hahahaha!! Missed ya old buddy :) I was floored to see your thread. Great work as always. Check out my new journal. Keep in touch and lets chit chat sometime. Laterz :)

    Basic DWC Questions

    veg or flower... you need that air pump on at all times. Peace :)

    Basic DWC Questions

    Its totally fine to ask questions my friend. The only time that an "interval" is beneficial is when your doing aeroponics, nft, or ebb and flo which is an entirely different style of hydroponics. 24/7 no matter what is correct :)

    why carnt i put the seed straight into the rockwool?

    Your small seedlings will do rather good under a 600.. Keep the reflector about 24" from the top of your babies. Then, After about a week your plants will get used to the intense rays. Gradually lower it even more. Put your hand over the top of the plant. If the light slightly warms the back of...

    Basic DWC Questions

    Run the air pump 24/7 at all times.. No intervals. If you dont, you may wake up to a plant cemetary. Good luck :)

    Roots down the netpot

    Well, if your ppm is only 200 then your on track. My cloner buckets run at about 300 and i do not dump the solution .. After the plants "fully root", i bump it up to 600-650 for the rest of the veg cycle or dump every 2 weeks. When i send em into flowering, i mix up a 1300 ppm batch. I usually...

    Ahh problem with leaves dying from lack of root space or what? Please help..

    Good idea on the soil. But, Running just fox farm grow big aint gonna do the trick my friend... Believe that.

    Best Nutrients? And organic growing pros/cons?

    You want the best? Ok, this stuff is not organic, but it's cheap as hell, and works great! Google Jack's Dynamic duo. This company has been around for 65 years, and they know their shit. Here's a plant i grew with the Jack's. And for hydro grows, try the Jacks Professional hydroponic nutes...

    Ahh problem with leaves dying from lack of root space or what? Please help..

    If the dirt is like clay, im sure thats part of the reason why she's getting sick, and yellowing, also could be lack of food. You might wanna get a huge pot, and transplant. Then, you may wanna get a high quality fert. like Jack's dynamic duo.

    Is this heat stress?

    I wouldnt be foliar spraying at all.. If you have a decent fert. your good to go! ... Sometimes you can love your plants to death. Ease up, and let em do their own thang. Good luck.

    I need help to identify these little guys...........

    It appears that your plant has some type of spider mite infestation. But, I could be wrong. No matter what, .. If i were you i would grab a quart and a half sprayer, and pour in a 1/2 teaspoon of azamax, along with a 1/2 teaspoon of neem oil and a drop of liquid dishwashing detergent and spray...

    Quick question about tap water.

    Thats a little high on the ppm side. Give it a whirl. If it doesnt work out you may have to purchase an reverse osmosis setup, or you could go with the flora series hardwater nutes.

    Candelarios' crop

    Great thread! That c99 is awesome!!! I crossed c99 with a Northern lights 5 and it became my all time favorite that i named the "Glass Slipper" ... Be careful with growing that c99 too tall. They grow like black berry bushes and take over. Im happy for you brotha'.. good smoke, and yes, best...