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  1. Mr. Limpet

    Every new grower should watch this video

    yeah and i tried to watch it before on a different link and the sound was like 3o seconds behind so i couldnt follow it
  2. Mr. Limpet

    How Do You Cool Down Your Closets?

    well that would depend on the closet i guess having a space to vent the hot air that isnt living space would be the issue
  3. Mr. Limpet

    How Do You Cool Down Your Closets?

    yeah but he said its a closet?
  4. Mr. Limpet

    US growers

    Seeds | Sensible Seeds
  5. Mr. Limpet

    What Would You Do?

    In a 2'd x 3'w x 8'h closet Soil only unlimited budget Just want to see what others would do before I make my decision. I was thinking maybe 5' flower on bottom and 3ft veg on top (sog) But what would YOU do?
  6. Mr. Limpet

    Subs for bubblehash bags?

    i thought head shops sold them?
  7. Mr. Limpet

    New Bumper Sticker ???

    and your going to stick it where?
  8. Mr. Limpet


  9. Mr. Limpet

    Howdy Doody

    I try and rotate my avatar through different pieces of his work but im kinda hung up on this one.
  10. Mr. Limpet

    Howdy Doody

    whats up frosty. Welcome to RIU
  11. Mr. Limpet

    What seed bank do you use???

    I can tell you that seedboutique f'd me over to the tune of $275 Ever since I have only used 3 orders and no hassels. To my door in under 2 weeks :mrgreen:
  12. Mr. Limpet

    Outdoor scrog

    I was thinking if you had only a 3 foot fence or so you could keep em down at like 18"
  13. Mr. Limpet

    Anyone ever use that refelctive foil tape?

    i use it everyday at work. It looses its shine after a while. It might still be reflective but not as good as new. Every time you wipe it it will get all fine scratches and crap in it and become dull. I think panda plastic would work better. And besides they want like $14 I think i saw it for at...
  14. Mr. Limpet

    How soon can you take clones?

    I'd say your good to go bro. 44 days seems plenty
  15. Mr. Limpet

    Sniff Your Mail

    this is the way i heard it he paid his tax in cash and the cash smelt like weed.
  16. Mr. Limpet

    Might be a Repost?

    Well the guy is just a plain retard for driving down there to pay in cash anyway when he could have just mailed a check. And what did he store the money in his drying room. Thats almost as bad as my boy who dries in his closet with all his clothes still in it. Friggin guy always smells like...
  17. Mr. Limpet

    Outdoor scrog

    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: ?
  18. Mr. Limpet

    need help storing the seeds!!!!!!

    i would only worry about refrigeration if you were storing them for a year or more. Maybe even 6 months. But 2 months or so wont kill em. (I Doubt) But if you wanna be safe and you got a fridge nobody fucks with then do it.
  19. Mr. Limpet

    Might be a Repost?

    Corvallis man sentenced to 16 months for home marijuana - KMTR-TV - anybody hear about this idiot? Guy needs to get a checkbook. But he only has to serve 16 months for over 200 plants. Not too shabby I'd say.
  20. Mr. Limpet

    New to site

    well if you plan on growing start here GROWFAQ