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  1. cylee89

    New growth yellowing

    can't really tell if it's coz of the flash of your camera but it looks okay to me.. just let it grow a bit.. do check your pH though.
  2. cylee89

    snapped stem ?

    there's tape made for that
  3. cylee89

    help me =]

    she's a goner. stress like that is fatal for young seedlings. start over my friend
  4. cylee89

    first grow, first post, info required please.

    too long to read but looking REALLY GOOD
  5. cylee89

    my cfl closet grow!!(2 females)

    you see how your "disease" is progressing upwards? definitely something in the soil.. check pH, nute levels you're using etc. and let me know
  6. cylee89

    cylee's First CFL Afghan Kush from Seed!

    they're both regulars but I don't have space for a flowering room. I'm just experimenting on the other plant basically. The bigger plant has vegged for 3~4weeks now and is ready to get into flowering stage. i have a question for you though: in the third picture you see how I am moving that...
  7. cylee89

    Germinate seeds¿

    BKCSG's right. I don't get why so many people tell you to use the paper towel, dunk it in water etc etc. Honestly I think that method poses more problems for your plant in the long run. Yes, these methods allow you to discriminate between viable and non-viable seeds. BUT would you want possible...
  8. cylee89

    cylee's First CFL Afghan Kush from Seed!

    Hey guys! Sorry for the late late late update. A lot of things happened the past two weeks and I put some pictures up for you guys! Most importantly, I have committed to buy an HPS/MH convertible system. I have already started to LST my plant in my CFL closet. Oh also as you can see I have...
  9. cylee89

    my cfl closet grow!!(2 females)

    easy on the nutes.. your plants are burning..
  10. cylee89

    Fan broke, overheated mah plantz

    looks fine man.. just don't stress it out further, i.e. don't overwater, don't mess your temps up again (lol), no light stress etc etc. my plant recovered from worse in previous grows. keep it green! :weed:
  11. cylee89

    Indoor closet grow w/ pics

    looking delicious for just being half way into flowering! good luck!
  12. cylee89

    How's my purchase?

    @ TheSinned: i'm going to make a grow tent as soon as my supplies arrive in the mail. i'll be using this cheap garment storage tent: i think you could make it into an awesome grow tent. i have it set up right now and the metallic...
  13. cylee89

    Fan broke, overheated mah plantz

    it'll recover soon .. pics?
  14. cylee89

    bending plant, what do u think?

    it's fine. it'll actually increase yield when conducted in the correct manner
  15. cylee89

    First grow ever, Need some help & advice on my progress :)

    he wants attention :)
  16. cylee89

    switching mh to hps?

    oh nvm you're doing it the other way round. i wonder if there are hps conversion lamps
  17. cylee89

    switching mh to hps?

    try mh conversion lamps
  18. cylee89

    How's my purchase?

    Thanks a lot!
  19. cylee89

    How's my purchase?

    Hey guys sorry for spamming all over but i'm really excited! Just bought this mh/hps convertible: What do you guys think?! Growing 2~3 plants max at a time
  20. cylee89

    Lights.lights.lights. Help me omg..

    just bought this one !