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  1. newb weed grower

    heys ur awsome i remember u helping me along time ago u were still the super kitty u r today thx...

    heys ur awsome i remember u helping me along time ago u were still the super kitty u r today thx for being awsome
  2. newb weed grower

    Pruning Question

    yah toping only gets better as u go
  3. newb weed grower

    True Blood Is Over The Top

    u should have put this post in a diff forum ppl need these to answer important questions
  4. newb weed grower

    Sinking Seeds

    i normally let my tap root get big before i even put in medium then i put it in with tweezers
  5. newb weed grower

    How many puffs to get high?

    i liked it but sadly i didnt get one seed outa the bad the guy told me ill give u a special deal for 10 bucks you can have three seeds and i told him no because i believed he was conning me because all the times i got weed threw him i noticed that he would burn the top part of bag together after...
  6. newb weed grower

    Shrooms growkit

    i can honestly say after looking it up dmt sounds fun with everyone talking about aliens online lolz but im not real sure how to get my hands on the stuff to make it i mean is there a link u could give me and a instructional link on it
  7. newb weed grower

    Shrooms growkit

    hahahhaha i hope u dont know too much about cooking meth lolz but im gonna research that nows
  8. newb weed grower

    Idea for a small 250w set up but looking for input

    i made my fan i too a bunch of pc fans bought carbon and used aluminum foil anf fishtank parts and made an awsome silent carbon filter had to make three of them for a 2 plant grow box o not amazingly efficiant
  9. newb weed grower

    6 days after planting, how do they look? any suggestions

    its scrog and u should have done research before buying seeds if u wanted to grow u shoulda used bag seeds cause ull kill a few plants from not using enough airation and overwatering ull want them to grow faster and faster and ull think well if i give them more water theyll get bigger and it...
  10. newb weed grower

    Seed still has shell on it.

    i agree with letting it fall off my seeds normally raise them self like an inch some time inch and a half and then fall off doing it urself will strss it out and it willl make it grow very slow and the recovery of the stress will take a long time because it was stressed at such a young age let...
  11. newb weed grower

    Help panicking about flowering.

    did u take clones right before u switched or was it healthy and stress free
  12. newb weed grower

    Best ways to smoke.

    wow i am so thinking about gas masks right now thank u so much for bringing up i am building my army mask into a bowl sort thing right now its so much fun omg wish i had some pot to test it with sadly i ran outs all im left with is a very good smelling plastic bag
  13. newb weed grower

    Best ways to smoke.

    and yah i didnt think my question all the way through
  14. newb weed grower

    Best ways to smoke.

    i have a great question how do u guys clean ur bong water i normally dump it out over a papertowel very slowly but i hate this method so i want a new one i never get every bit of my reson with papertowel method
  15. newb weed grower

    Shrooms growkit

    i am very new to this hobby but im liking how complicated and carefull this all has to be it makes me wanna know everything about it and i will too its how i was with computers its how i am with pot and now its how im gonna be with shroomies
  16. newb weed grower

    Shrooms growkit

    r u able to stick ur shrooms in the oven at a stupid low temp and keep good close eye on em has it been attempted oh and thx blackhash i am currently watching all his videos they r awsome and very informative thx for taking ur time i am going to learn alot
  17. newb weed grower

    How many puffs to get high?

    i wanna try that strain nows sadly the only strain ive smoked that i knew the name of was pinnapple express silver haze and something they called trainwreck which from my understanding and whats in my books they use trainwreck to make pinapple exspress
  18. newb weed grower

    Best ways to smoke.

    ok if the bong water takes out more thc then doesnt that mean when u go to scrape ur reson its more powerfull as well and what can be said about ppl that just use the bong and no water i know thats wat i do most of the time unless a friend nags me about it then ill add some but i just find it...
  19. newb weed grower

    Bcn diesel help!!!!!!!!!!!

    i had heard the stability of an auto flowering plant was really hard to get right that it takes alot of plants to do it too
  20. newb weed grower

    Bcn diesel help!!!!!!!!!!!

    auto flowering strains are interesting to me i dont think id want them tho i like being able to control the switch