Umm, the polish color depends on the how dark or the light your skin tone is.. I wouldnt care if Elton John painted them, if they look good then ill be aroused lol..
And to answer ur question.. yes I would want to see.
I actually wouldnt try it with water.. that could achieve more scarification than anything. I would recommend making a white wash.. same thing as the water but less risky.
What? That rose is way more complicated then ur tatt.. your tatt is pretty simple. That rose has a ton of different elements in it that urs doesnt. Your tatt is basically linework with simple coloring. No grey wash, no real color contrast or anything.. its not a bad tatt, but its nothing to be...
Lmao, the funny thing is that you judge my skills based on 2 pictures that you have no way of knowing if I even did or not. Ill give you my personal FB info so you can check out my entire portfolio if you want, then well see what you say. And your tattoo is not that difficult, ive already...
Shading and color packing are different. For shading, like as in grey was shading you want your contact screw to be a nickels width away from the armature bar. You also want to bring down the voltage on your power supply... for color packing you kinda want it inbetween... but for both you need...
Fuck, I just realized how far that is... not even worth the $50 in gas it would take to get there. I wish somebody on here had some, I wud much rather give my money to a personal grower than a for profit spot... and yes for profit cuz $30 for a teen is kinda pricey.
Funny you said that... last night I was outside and I was about to toss their gas cap across the street.. decided not to. But today I was trying to take my baby out of the car, and the bitch pulls up telling me to move my shit cuz I was blocking her driveway! She had plenty of room!! Fuck her...
Im being serious dude, if I ever saw something happen to you or saw you getting robbed or something I wouldnt be like oh fuck that dude he fuckin talks mad shit online... I wud be like oh fuck thats another human being thats situation can be easily improved if I head over there and do something...