Isn’t his ability to spin complete bullshit out of thin air just amazing? I’m mean, he may as well be selling Santa or unicorns, but you have to admire his enthusiasm. Like a 5 year old earnestly telling me about how Santa is coming.
Gravity is a bitch for some. It’s evident to all, but because he can’t see it or taste it Griller feels comfy just denying gravity altogether
for jesus. Keep in mind all of this is for god. His stupidity knows no bounds
It’s a religious nut job thing for many. They think the entire globe thing is simply to give the finger to god. Offend him.
It just keeps getting weirder from there.
That’s sooooo typical of all of their bullshit. All made up nonsense that no one ever ever vets
Same with quotes of people. All bullshit and incorrect.
... seal the deal up with foam- that’s fine
Again and very clearly- foam is the worst material you can put in a wall/ ceiling / floor for soundproofing. That’s all I’m saying. Fiberglass is what is used for that
you want a foam seal rather than drywall seal? Foam it, I guess.