Don’t put the foam in the cavity if you want soundproofing. Foam doesn’t help with soundproofing. It will also compress the fiberglass, which reduces your soundproofing
That’s not true. Foam will conduct vibration and make things distinctly worse. If you don’t care about soundproofing then use the foam. If soundproofing is a goal, use fiberglass batt
Don’t use resilient channel. It’s garbage. For soundproofing, look at a double wall. That way you can hang heavy stuff on the wall
standard r-13 fiberglass insulation
It speaks to the police mentality to start with.
What % of all cops yearn to beat someone or shoot someone. Harass someone. What %?
It’s pretty high. Who the fuck else wants to do that job?? Pretty good chance any cop you see has some mental shortcoming. Some complex.
And trump has already released that he’s “shocked” so they’re going to BBQ at least this one cop. I can’t wait to watch this piece of shit cop get publicity toasted
None of this data or logic will matter He’ll say Aristotle was bullshit. Or maybe he was a Mason ( the culprits behind all of this round earth nonsense lol)