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  1. newb weed grower

    First Time Closet Grow

    uhhh wat he said lolz no but seriously remember heat rises so ur attic would be awsome to be vented in and if u wanted to leave the door ope it wouldnt hurt make sure u never go into ur grow rooma fter being outside be scared of mites and bugs gl on ur grow make sure u dont over love them which...
  2. newb weed grower

    What is a good watering schedule?

    well all u gotte do is water like every two days its not too bad being under watereed is betetr then over watered
  3. newb weed grower

    how to start a sea of green

    thx man im a bagseed kinda guy i kinda gave him info for your average plant i dont know much bout sog all i do is pick good seads from good smoking weed ill probly get ahold of a good seed bank and do all sorts of good types tho
  4. newb weed grower

    How reflective is Aluminum Tape?

    i thoguth that too cause i had a rooom well a closet with regualr white paint not only did it maKE THINGS LOOK SO MUCH NEETER IT ALSO DID WORK QUITE WELL
  5. newb weed grower

    How reflective is Aluminum Tape?

    y would u paint if u aluminum foil only need one right
  6. newb weed grower

    how to start a sea of green

    wow man idk where to start umm okay again with alot of typing huh ok start by checking ur tap waters ph make sure its around 5.8 or so maybe some cfls like 2 to start it off then u need more juice so ull want like a 400 watt at least but u wont have to have it but ull want bleach ur grow area...
  7. newb weed grower


    omg just place ur hand in front of the light when it begins to get hot for ur hand its too hot for plant just put tit where ur hand would be comfortable and it will be gl with ur grow
  8. newb weed grower

    Looking for a Second Opinion My Yellowish and weird looking leaves

    some seeda arent ment to grow but a plant not so much some are just really fineky
  9. newb weed grower

    4th grow

    that isnt a whole lot to work with but if u could give the following im sure someone will help u what its been fed nutrient wise flowering bulb and veg also a description of them if pics arent possible
  10. newb weed grower

    Help plants have strange diss color on leafs

    dam i wish i knew it kinda seems like a defeciancy too me but on other hand it could be a burn i wish u best of luck
  11. newb weed grower


    yah it is u should be proud good gro
  12. newb weed grower

    pc grow box need help

    one to suck in other out and u want two cfls and with those heat shouldnt be that bad a thermostat with a humidity reader wouldnt hurt ur grow pc tho i like the idea of grow boxes but i think id prefer a grow cabinet
  13. newb weed grower

    mite eggs

    dont do anything based on my oppinion but im gonna say yes wait for someone betetr to tell u tho im not sure i just believe i remember it that way and man u need to move ur plant cause if ur using neem oil regualrly and got eggs thats not good i figure its probly in best interest of ur plant...
  14. newb weed grower

    Help BHO MOLD

    hmm this is an unusual question id love to tell u yes man itll get u baked but sadly id be talking outa my ass ull have to wait for someone more qualified but im kinda surprised u got the mold anyways i normally use those vaccuum seal bags and a pill battle maybe the freezer keeps it fresh as...
  15. newb weed grower

    thinking like a stoner

    i was gonna do foliar feeding i figure if its possible i should also me and a friend put a piece of candy cane in the bowl with some weed and it was awsome and probly a bad idea btu very minty lolz someone say some funny thing theyve done in the past with weed
  16. newb weed grower

    thinking like a stoner

    i wish it could start right this second but i dont have the place to do it all sadly i know one thing if marijuana becomes legal ill start a mass product grow immidietly and sell to goverment man everyone will be happy stoners and our economy will be awsome for it
  17. newb weed grower

    gettin started an need a lil help also u may want these light bulbs i figure i may save u some money and if i succeed im happy
  18. newb weed grower

    gettin started an need a lil help

    they both seem good but i like first one if ur on a budget but if u just buy the bulb and get some sheet metal its mch more cheaply made i will give u a link so that u can make a good light system very similar
  19. newb weed grower

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    wow i put grows an once know that i read nothing when i said that i was hoping to hear under bad ass light system grown hydro thing that make it somewat possible but now i gotta say no drainage i think theyll die
  20. newb weed grower

    thinking like a stoner

    well i just wanna see what sorta method will work so im going to do this on a mass scale many plants many flavors many different types u get the idea but i gotta wait for a little bit till i get my new house then ill have my basement and all its awsomeness