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  1. Buddreams

    The Power of the Badge.....

    This is no Bull… DEA agent stops at a ranch in Texas , and talks with an old rancher. He tells the rancher, "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs." The rancher says, "Okay , but do not go in that field over there," as he points out the location...
  2. Buddreams

    Hey, we should chat sometime, i am in the area, we could exchange ideas and genetics. let me...

    Hey, we should chat sometime, i am in the area, we could exchange ideas and genetics. let me know if u are interested.
  3. Buddreams

    Elephant Bud

    lol, care less, my friend.
  4. Buddreams

    Elephant Bud

    Requesting materials of questionable legality in an open forum? :shock: Bad form.
  5. Buddreams

    Elephant Bud

    /drool looking great :)
  6. Buddreams

    Growing inside a Enclosed Trailer in the driveway!!

    use a space heater to regulate temps at night?
  7. Buddreams

    White widow - male!!? Ahh!! Help!!

    Most male plants grow more vigoursly than their sisters. "and I think the ONLY non-fem plant may be male." - If it's not female, what else would it be? lol. I would reccomend setting that bad boy aside, and breeding it. You'll start saving money on seeds :P
  8. Buddreams

    Elephant Bud

    is it just me, or is the kmac looking really nice? ;p
  9. Buddreams

    How to power a computer fan? Stick it into mains?

    Get a Desktop PC out of ur neighbors garbage, and take the Power supply out of it. Plug it into the wall, and then flug your fans into the connectors on the power supply.
  10. Buddreams

    *Strains for NORTHERN climates?

    free marc!!
  11. Buddreams

    *Strains for NORTHERN climates?

    Price: 75.00CND Product Description Blue Tooth = 10 Pack ORDER ID: CDBLUT Easy, Mold Resistant, Pest resistant, and does well in cold climates like Quebec. Blue Tooth is a very sweet and fruity creation. We are purposely leaving out details because some things are better with an air of...
  12. Buddreams

    *Strains for NORTHERN climates?'s blue tooth specifically says it is bred to withstand canadian climates and is mold resistant.
  13. Buddreams

    Neighbor Snagged Plant- Need Advice

    for a bunch of bob marley lovers, i hear alot of hatin goin on. I think your dad would want you to let it go, and just burn one or two for him on occasion.
  14. Buddreams

    How to open a NJ Dispensary.

    Bleh bleh bleh, i have friends with doctorates already in NJ.
  15. Buddreams

    hell of a good day!!

    readiing this made my day better :)
  16. Buddreams

    How to open a NJ Dispensary.

    Difficult does not mean impossible. I'm an american citizen and have just as much right to open one as the next person. paperwork and formalities are just a small hurdle.
  17. Buddreams

    How to open a NJ Dispensary.

    How would one go about finding out how to open one? I am very interested in getting some info.
  18. Buddreams

    Pot and pregnancy

    lol, talk to your docotor, dont self medicate, if she is throwing up all her food dont you think you should mention it to her doc? last place i would get advice about this would be a pot head forum.
  19. Buddreams

    Fuckin bullshit ass laws!!!

    Is this a first offence? if this is your first offence you should get by with, fines, and community service, time served, if you plead guilty and ask for leniency. I was arrested in FL for Felony possesion, and my property was siezed. Just finished the whole process, and had a final court...
  20. Buddreams

    Piss test

    I know a guy that would dip two fingers in bleach and allow it to air dry, and then when submitting his test, he would urinate over said fingers to taint the specimen. and he always came home from his probation appointments ... worth a try with a home test? kinda gross, but it's ur pee!