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  1. AeroKing

    Air stones ?

    Using too high a TDS has caused even the MicroPores to clog on me before. This is the first diagnostic step, but I'd upgrade to these regardless. You're not setting up a fish tank, why use stones designed for them?
  2. AeroKing

    how much light is enough to stop flowering?

    "less than 1 footcandle" that's the way I've read it... As always, green light has far less effect.
  3. AeroKing


    I'm pretty sure that they do this in Ireland. And, just because they want to, doesn't mean they can. And if they can, doesn't mean they can use the info against you in a court of law or to get a warrant. And they can't do shit if you set yourself up properly. Check out vidalia.
  4. AeroKing


    Well fuck us then. LOL
  5. AeroKing

    Air stones ?

    And, because they are glass, you can simply soak them in muriatic acid to clean them.
  6. AeroKing

    4 inch Tube Aero with Chiller

    Thanks. How many of these do you think you could run off of that 1250gph? And have you used/would you recommend the 180' ones also?
  7. AeroKing

    4 inch Tube Aero with Chiller

    OK, I see. The term misters gets thrown around so loosely, I guess I didn't realize there was a difference. The ones that you use, they are marketed as "misters", though - are they not? So I take it then that you do get a nice even, fine spray from your "spray jets"? Don't get me wrong. Your...
  8. AeroKing

    Easy Hydro?

    Sometimes, you actually need a chiller to cool the water, depending on your situation. If you use a 5 gallon bucket, you won't need a very big heater. I use a 50w.
  9. AeroKing

    4 inch Tube Aero with Chiller

    Earl, been reading more and more on those misters. I've read that to create a true mist, you need to use a high pressure pump (diaphragm maybe?), and the Mag Drives won't sustain the required pressures (30psi?). Can you comment on the mist using the mag-drive pump?
  10. AeroKing

    Easy Hydro?

    depends on the room. You're shooting for 68'f water temp.
  11. AeroKing

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    I see... believe me, I have no intentions of starting a pissing match about this, I just enjoy picking the brain of somebody with real-world experience vs. the hundreds of books, gardening sites, mfgs sites, forum postings... that I've read through. I am in no way belittling your tek, just...
  12. AeroKing

    Automatic Temperature Control

    Doh, That was stupid of me... you just plug the adapter into that controller... stoner moment (hope you understand). BTW, just FYI, the Ranco controller doesn't have an 'output voltage'. It will switch on and off any voltage thats hooked to it. It wires to 120vac for it's power and then an in...
  13. AeroKing

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    Many thanks, I hope you'll be around when I get started. Not to take your thread off topic, but I'm surprised that you state "little to no advantage" of going aero. Flooded tubes would fall under the recirculating DWC category of hydro, would it not? Everything I've read rates that as a...
  14. AeroKing

    Automatic Temperature Control

    He's relaying two different voltages, though. He could jump off of that to a relay, but that complicates the hell out of everything. Edit: I should say will probably relay 2 different voltages since the PC fans run on 12vdc. If you can find a line-voltage controller that operates on 12v, you...
  15. AeroKing

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    That adjustable collar idea is ingenious. It would be pretty easy to add some misters later, huh? How far will the canopy be from the bulb? Will you be cooling it? 600w seems low to me for a 4' area, is there a particular reason for not going 1000w? Have you fathomed a support structure yet...
  16. AeroKing

    (5) 600watt HPS or (3) 1000watt HPS

    It's not that simple. Here's the main difference: 600w lights allow a more even spread of light across a short canopy. 1000w lights allow a deeper penetration into a tall canopy, but create more 'hot spots' under the lights. Id say - "If you are doing a SOG and plan on a canopy of 18" tall...
  17. AeroKing

    grotek final flush help asap!!

    I don't think you need a 2 week flush when you use a leaching agent.
  18. AeroKing

    roots exposed to light

    So far as I understand it, It's not the roots that suffer, but the nutrient solution or moist soil. When exposed to light, it's perfect breeding ground for algae.
  19. AeroKing

    AeroFlo 60 Grow Thread

    Oh, yeah, and I wanted to ask you - Do you have problems with your trimeter when your digital ballasts are running? I know mine goes completely nutz. 2 of them actually, and 3 different ballasts, so I don't think any faulty equipment.
  20. AeroKing

    AeroFlo 60 Grow Thread

    I second this. I run an Aeroflo2, and noticed Calcium/magnesium deficiencies when the ph is too low. May just be the strain that I grow, though. You can take that water level down, though. To really take advantage of the aeroponics in this system, you should have the drain tubes low, but I like...