Last I checked my water temps were around 68f. I hate using air pumps/stones so I use the waterfall method.
I do think more oxygen couldn't hurt though. That's why I've changed one of my things to aeroponics. Think I'll change the rest of them soon.
I think the pythium came from fungus...
Progress report is: my roots have gotten worse and worse over the last 48hrs since changing my res with no piranha. I just added some piranha back in about an hour ago so we'll see what happens over next couple days. I'll report back on the progress.
I also switched up one of my res/veg set...
I'm just going to keep using both in the mean time just to be safe(and since i have the sag anyway).
I really wanted it to be the sag that was giving me the good results but seeing is believing. I think once everything looks a 100% healthy I'll try going with just the sag again to see what...
I appreciate it, thx bud. Not adding to my stress at all.
Think I'm going to grab the piranha for now since it appeared to be working so well and try to work on a new set up that provides more oxygen to my roots. Would be nice if I could get back to the point of not having to add bennies or...
Oh shit. Just realized you said 5ml per gallon(I was still think per 10 gallon). Should I go jack it up to that level? Shit sounds high but my current levels are clearly not cutting it.
K thx dude.
So just added 5ml sag per 10 gallons water. At this point I think I'll actually be surprised if I see any results. Other than my roots my water looks terrible now compared to what it looked like before. Fingers crossed though.
Ok I'll for sure consider that. I'll probably toss ya a pm if I go that route, if that's cool?
Raping is an understatement. It does appear like a quality product but those prices are literally insulting to customers. I'm honestly offended lol.
K gonna sleep on it I guess(have no choice really lol). See where things are at in the morning.
When I tried sterile I had zero results. Although I figure I probably wasn't using anywhere near enough.
Will be tough not to turn back to the piranha at this stage though. Seeing is...
I don't want to panic here but with in the 10hrs of doing my res change this morning my roots have taken a massive turn for the worst. Totally getting mushy and slimy again. I hate to say it but I'm starting to think it was the piranha that was turning things around for me. It's expensive as...
Well running into some major issues again today myself, so don't feel like I'm in a position to give advice yet. I'll report back though when I do finally get it worked out.
So did a res change today and it's the first time using the sag without the piranha and noticed my water is really cloudy now. With the piranha it was crystal clear. Anything to be concerned about? I hope it wasn't the piranha that was making my plants turn around. Can't afford to be buying...
Yes, those ones are veg. I do have some in flower though. Have to let nature take its course at this point I suppose. I'm at least encouraged by the progress at this early stage though.