As a general rule...never use full manufacturers reccomended dose. Most always too high. But luckily you've only given 1 dose. Not a soil grower now...but used to. I say no need for flush. Make sure you keep plant on good wet/fairly dry schedule and maybe feed 1/2 with at least one...
Hi Bd,
Easy one first...I believe that the "salt" you are referring to may be trichomes. This is a good thing.
And secondly...the photo on the left. The whitening I don't believe is blisters. Just looks like interveinal chlorosis from Mg deficiency.
Proper breeding takes years of crossing and backcrossing...and of course requires the parent plants if you hope to produce an IBL.
But...if you get a killer plant...then you have a clone-only Momma and you will have the only one! (till you share it)
You commented that H2O2 adds oxygen. Not sure if that's a significant mount of O2...but with Waterfarm...a super-oxygenated extra O2 needed.
Hard water can be an issue for a couple of reasons.
Lets say you have young plants to feed at 400ppm and you already have 322 ppm of unknown crap in your water. So there's less room for nutrients.
The hard water will mess with your ph way more then RO water. With hard water you have to add...
A little runoff is won't lose all the nutrients down the drain.
But why it's running through...that needs to be addressed. Try the dish soap as wetting Fast Freddi said.
Almost any media that gets too dry can repel it just runs right through. Perhaps that's what's happening. Water in two stages. A slow smaller watering to get things wet...and the rest an hour later.
I wouldn't worry. If you had perhaps 50% of leaves yellowing...I'd suggest a worm casting top dressing. But that degree of yellowing is not too bad It happens at the end. How much longer you going to run them?