Your analysis of that data is flawed though. Max ppfd of around 2000 was only at peak noon for an hour. The average ppfd would be more like 800-1000.
If I moved my cobs closer and gave them 1600 ppfd that would be 1600ppfd for 12 hours straight which would be nearly double the amount of light...
I have a par meter. The canopy is currently 75cm from the lights and getting 800ppfd I don’t see how moving lights closer would make a difference unless plants actually know how far away lights are even though they are getting insane amounts of light
I didn’t plan to Scrog I was hoping to sog them but with them not growing outwards towards the light I’ve just ended up with a mass of huge fan leaves I’ve just trimmed thousands of fan leaves and all the bud sites are bright yellow from not getting light.
I hope they recover.
Im thinking if...
Anyone got any idea on how I can train these plants to increase yield?
They are getting 800ppfd at the canopy but are only very very slightly leaning towards the light
They are growing very slightly on an angle but nowhere near as much as I’d like them to be.
My lights are 30w per sq ft with 50% efficiency par meter puts 700ppfd at the canopy.
Nodes are so tight. I think it could be because I designed my system so that I could have the lights far away from the “pots”
Currently the lights are 90cm from the canopy but still produce 700ppfd that far...
The photo I’ve shown is my hydro system not much more to see really.
Just more and more stacks of pipe like that. I have rainbird sprinklers at the top of the pipes spraying oxygenated Water down the pipes and it falls back into the water res underneath
I’m quite screwed atm though as they are...
Sorry for delay here’s a photo
Par meter has me at average 700ppfd 60cm from my lights it’s a custom cob rig I made.
They seem to be turning directly up in the direction of gravity.
How can I get them to face the lights?
I’ve just finished building a vertical system using 6 inch pvc pipe. A sort of NFT system with plants stacked on top of each other.
I was expecting the plants to grow at around a 45 degree angle towards the vertical lights..
However it looks to me like the clones I placed in the netpots have...
Alright I’ll just order the bloom then and give that a go.
In regards to the nanny state thing on the News this morning they were talking about banning live fireworks... this country is becoming more and more authoritarian every single day.
Interesting so I don’t need ionic grow?
I was planning on ordering the ionic grow and ionic bloom... it’s the same price so won’t make it any cheaper if I don’t get one but I guess one less bottle to mess about with helps
Thanks for that I’ll get it strange though the government website specifically says any concentration above 3% nitric acid is illegal to sell to the public...
When using nitric acid and in my DWC res I use a compost tea which includes nitrifying bacteria will it cause my ph to swing constantly...
Cheers I’ll get some Epsom salt as a backup just incase on the next run around.
Is it beneficial to use nitric acid instead of phosphoric acid in veg or should I just stick to phophuric?