Ok I had a super lemon OG plant from seed that I grew from DNA genetics limited line. I decided to re-vegged that plant. I harvested it and left some big fan leaves and a few small buds at the bottom. I then place the plant in to total darkness for 48 hours to reset the plants internal clock and...
I just talked with a group of investors and growers that are building a growing facility in nwl Michigan and wow is all I can say! They are litterally making every mistake I have seen others make that failed or had a very rough go at this in other states. I'm sorry but if you were never a great...
They will make up and change the rules mid game or should I say mid play. Just like Colorado did. Fucked alot of people over haaving to rearrange there entire operation to comply with bullshit rules mid play. I won't even get into the fuckery of the former republic of California's laws.
Ya Bess do more research homie. The only jobs are being a grey area caregiver right now. The above the table corporate facist system that is coming won't even have any saleable product till late 2018 early 2019. You cannot even apply for a lisence till mid December this year and pay out the ass...
Getting Strains mixed up is one thing. Spraying toxic pesticides"ortho home defense" on medicinal plants intend for medical use is another.
Just calling out Bullshit when I see it.
Another liberal cult member that believes noone has the right to defend themselves with lethal force. Guess what buddy suppressors already are legal! Haha jokes on you. And to hunt bears you need to be selected in a lottery kind of like your mentality... But lemme guess you've never had to...
under sec 3. definitions in the law.
(f) “Marihuana-infused product” means a topical formulation, tincture, beverage, edible substance, or similar product containing any usable marihuana that is intended for human consumption in a manner other than smoke inhalation. Marihuana-infused product...
Still waiting on this price drop. Just went to Rare dankness shop in Co and everything thing is $320 an ounce. And actually quite a few people grow there own tomatoes. Plus people are smart they vote with there dollars. Look at McDonald's they are hanging on by a thread. Nobody wants cancer and...
So what it the real socialist view if it's not Marxist theory. Where are you deriving your socialist theory from? Because every example I give you socialist tell me thats the wrong example or not the right kind of socalism. Then every example you socialist give are of capitalist counties with...
Did it ever occur to you that you are being told a massive lie? I just can't wrap my head around why advocating for a form of government that redistributes wealth to make everyone poor and uses force and coercion to do so. Voluntaryism my friend voluntaryism! Not socialism. Any great idea...
Have you read any of Carl Marx book's? Have you read the Communist manifesto? Do you even read bro?
The definition from Carl Marx himself states very clearly socialism is a transitional period from capitalist systems to communism.
Go pick up a book and read bro!