Well the mmj is supposed to locked in the trunk or inaccessible from the drivers seat. I always carry mmj in a charcoal lined bag so no smell is present. There is no law that says you have to declare to an officer you have mmj in the car like you do with a concealed pistol.
You will be issued a cpl if you answer all the questions correctly and meet all the requirements . They're not going to run your information and go "oh this guy had a mmmp card" denied! They won't know unless you tell them.
The state will issue a cpl if you have a mmmp card because there is no way for them to find out unless you tell or smell. I would not carry, consume, smell or be under the influence of any cannabis while carrying or even carry your mmmp card while carrying concealed. Swim and my pet donkey carry...
I have grown out dr.who an entire 10 pack. Not my kind of smoke and not a good hash producer so it never made the cut.
I also have grown mickey kush and it was killler. I put the only two cuts I had in a greenhouse two years ago and forgot to take cuts befor they started flowering.
Stupid shit only happens with stupid fucking people and to brush off discharging a firearm indoors let alone in an apartment building is really fucking stupid. Did you even check to make sure you didn't hit anyone? Dosent sound like it. If your too stupid to keep your trigger finger discipline...
This article is complete bullshit. Even if the feds re scheduled it the FDA would still have to conduct double blind studies and all that jazz taking years and who know what there result will be.
I think the medical cannabis movent did it the wrong way we should have made laws in every state...
Eagle 20 says right on the label it works using systemic action and also is not intend for use on food. It is for turf grass.
Imidicloprid is probably the most systemic as it can stay around in trees for years and most vegetables for several months.
Floromite is not a true systemic however...
6+ft 9pound hammer in a 3k room. Wall to wall with 12 plants stuffed in there. I did over veg just a bit. Other stains in the back are clementine,lemon skunk x kimbo Kush, glue trap, and alien blues.
I'm not for sure they all are on the reefer but one thing is for sure in my experience. They all seem not not be very professional compared to my regular doctor and tbh it is disappointing. The last one I saw 2 years ago was a total joke. I made comments on this forum that were my honest...
I also had a buddy a few years ago that had his card but then let it lapse. He was walking albeit belligerently drunk on st.pattys day down the sidewalk and a cop confronted him and just started demanding to see the weed. So he pulls out 1 joint. He didn't get arrested but had to appear in court...
My brother got busted with a half oz when he was 18 in gr county.they took him right in and he bailed him self out with the $120 he had on him. My parents got an attorney and he got 1 year probation pissing in a cup no jail and no record. He ended up writing a letter to the judge and got off 6...
Yeah gone in no time im sure, not only that but they where suppose to meet the grant deadline in january but somehow they can just miss that by 4 months and still get it.
Sheriff's officials receive grant for medical marijuana enforcement
And one more thing. I believe that this soil does not actually "flush" at all it just becomes imbalanced near the end of the cycle and locks out elements giving the appearance that it is flushing.
I took used SS and planted seveal tomato plants on my deck and they grew all the way through with...