Prove it. Typical lefty attacks with no bite. Claims to hate fascism but is a socialist lmao jokes on you buddy. I do my researc
So why don't you move to Canada then? Let me guess they dont offer EbT cards there or section 8 housing.
You socialist will never succeed at anything. Why? because...
I don't have a good handle on this apparently you need to research the very definition of socialism because all those countries are capitalist systems. Private ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange exist in those countries rendering them capitalist. Venezuela is true...
One question for all the socialist out there? Under your socialist utopia is force and coercion going to be used to Intall your socialist utopian society?
It has failed all over the world over the last 100+ years but some demigod that never worked till he was 40 has got it all figured out...
No bruh the point is my employer does not care I was fucking high at the interview. They knew I was a chronic stoner before they hired me.
And 2 days is def not a pass lol. and yes the only test I failed was the one I actually pissed into the plastic cup. The rest of the time I dumped quick...
Quick fix all the way. There is another product out there that is freeze dried human urine powder that you mix a heat before hand. I have used that to.
I just got a new job and told them a drug test would be pointless because the only test I ever failed out of 20+ was the one I actually pissed...
They cannot just run your name of plate number or address and find your mmj info. I know this for a fact as one of my long time friends was a deputy for 8 years up here and quit because of corruption. He told me point blank the only way to know for sure is if you run the numbers printed at the...
Try the food safe white buckets from Lowe's. They don't seem to be as brittle and they won't leach toxins from the plastic into the water your feeding your plants.
$5-10,000 application fee is chump change compared to the money you will spend building a high quality facility, attorney's, and security. You aint just going to build a glorified basment grow in a warehouse and make it. Your going to have to account for every micro gram of cannabis. Most...
I don't have a problem with the tiered system if they don't mess with patients to grow there own and dont limit the number of lisensced grows like some states anti free market ideas.
It's not surprising. Lieing on the form is a felony. You can still purchase firearms in most states without filling out the background check form if bought from a private seller not to mention you can build ar15's from 80% lowers fairly easily and buy all the parts to finish it online no...
"doing the right thing" is not rescheduling to #2. This will do away with any grow rights you may think you have. Name 1 FDA approved drug you are allowed to produce at home? Booze is not scheduled and I suppose does have medical use but is mostly for recreation
Really? moldy bud into medicine huh? You must have been in a cave the last few years or not heard of the Caruthers case that essentially banned anything but dried flowers as "medicine". For fuck sakes people are being charged for having a smear of oil on a napkin.
Now to add to that if he has 5 ar's body armor and shitload of ammo might have turned out differently. He also had one of the best attorneys in Michigan imo.
I agree. That is why we as patients/caregivers need to be vigilant ie. No out lights, expired tags, keep the road rage to a minimum, stop when signs say stop, and don't drive aggressive. They can still pull you over for something stupid or for no reason at all but in my personal experience...
I don't have firsthand experience but I remember dr.b aka grow greenerguru on YouTube got raided and had a loaded shotgun by the door. He ended up getting all the charges but one against him and his wife dropped. He was charged with obstruction of a peace officer no firearms charges.