Its all simply a function of how fast you can remove heat from the system vs how fast your light and pump are adding heat. The temperature then of the system will be more dependent upon ambient temperatures if you are using a radiator, as it will reach an equilibrium at (x) degrees above...
Flushing to clean your plants out is a myth. A myth that will never die because of stupid grower logic.
Flushing to clean out your system is completely different...
I love this kind of logic. Along the same lines, co2 will kill me if its concentrated so I probably shouldnt expise my plants to any either, imagine what it could do to them if it can kill me!
You should be. The COB differences do appear to be a wash and you'd only be able to squeeze about 10 or so more watts out of the B setup so no not a big deal. either way youll be happy. The SEs are so nice with the push in connectors
Can you link to any of this research? Rarely do I see humidity mentioned when discussing co2 supplementation.
Everywhere mentions higher temps but usually fails to amend the typical " ~50% rh" which according to vpd would be way too low.
VPD determines the stomatas actions. The only thin that your scenario would affect is a higher metabolism due to higher temps. The question is whether the plant is capable of photosynthesizing more light at higher co2 and light levels without increasing temps for a boosted metabolism.