No different than every other passive setup you see people building on here. Just instead of a metal theyre using liquid as a heatsink. Its certainly a cool experiment but could be vastly improved most likely I would think.
I havent priced mineral oil lately but I would assume one plus to...
This isnt the case though. Any airflow at all will keep CO2 levels inside your grow the same as ambient. Use you CO2 meter and test the levels at the intake vs inside the grow.
The reason I ask about the CO2 monitoring is because most people dont spent the money it costs for a co2 monitor...
I would think blowing cooler (drier) air onto the plants would increase transpiration, but this may also lower leaf temps dropping down the plants metabolism rate. Tough to say what the net effect would be.
So do you actually measure the CO2 or just assume it is above 8-900ppm all the time, because that would seem to me a mighty big assumption...
The main point of exhaust is to remove heat. There really isnt a "minimum" as long as there is air flow and temps are under control.
It's very tough to make only one of those aspects efficient without the other following suit...
My question. Is why he thinks the arbitrary minimum he said for extraction levels is actually the minimum. Exhaust less, raise heat. Simple, no?
Also, he's running "high co2" but it's not...
FWIW I have 6 vero29 SE 50v versions hooked up to a HLG 320H C1050a and at full power 1.2a it puts out ~365watts, but these cobs also skirt the voltage limit of the driver.
With the cxm22s I would think theyd accept current up to where they max out the voltage of the driver, where ever 50.8v...
There is a high likelihood this will not work. Wasting money imo. There are lots of threads on this topic. Most don't pan out.
Out of curiosity how much water will you be cooling and what kind of lights?
If you use the proper size screw driver and dont over do it there is literally nothing to worry about.
I actually have one that got stripped out because I was using a smaller screw driver on it. A proper sized screw driver will still dim the stripped out one just fine.
Just sayin.
If youre using chilled water are the fans even necessary? Or worse yet possibly counter productive?
In my opinion, ditch the fans on the mounts. They could be used far more efficiently elsewhere in the setup.
This is way smaller than any paintball tank. Also, I just went with fittings that were available. If you can find a 1/8in FIP x whatever size your regulator fitting is, you could get away with one union, cutting down on size. Or you could use 90* bends and any piping you need to fit it where...
I mentioned it in the post above. Nit nearly as stealthy and you do have to go take it to get refilled. Mainly the fact that it's far bigger than these.
But if space isn't an issue I'd definitely say go for paintball tank.
Information that will be pertinent to anyone doing this.
The Fluval mini has a male thread of 1/8 inch. My regulator threads matched up with a 5/8 flare fitting, ymmv.
For your co2 cartridges, a 12g cart has 413 cubic inches of co2 and a 16g cart has 551cubic inches of co2.
For an example...