I must say when I bought the light it was on a new year discount so ended up getting it for like 220 and it came rapidly. So far so good. This is my first though so nothing to compare it to I guess
I had it at 2 feet but the seedling seemed to be stretching which is why I dropped it 6 inches n that’s stopped? Yeah this little pot dries out quite quickly initially I soaked it completely then squeezed all excess water by hand and potted/popped seed and then didn’t feed any till day 5 there...
It’s a spiderfarmer se3000 dimmed to 40% and it’s about 18 if inches away. I just watered it this morning again with the spray bottle cause it was before earlier message so it’s not a lot of water and it dries out over night. My worry is when I planted my first seedling in the 12ltr and watered...
Ahhh I’m going for the autos add a new one every 3 weeks or so so that after the first 12 week wait. Each wait is hopefully only 3 weeks after. Nice new strain. Start a lovely wee collection
Update 1st one died. Cause of death was drowning for sure……So this is day 5 of 2nd attempt and the soil seems to be drying out. When and how do I water this wee seedling?
Can’t wait to see the outcome of that pop. I’m gonna follow the same methods suggested by herb and yourself and the others and hopefully I’ll be able to post some pics like that myself in a few weeks. And fingers crossed the first one manages to save itself :(
Again I didn’t start the new thread for a different answer in fact I popped a new seed as you suggested and prepped soil in the tiny pot as you suggested and I’ll put it in there as you suggested. I started the new thread to add the detail I had missed from the first thread all in 1 opening post...