Those seemed really good to me too.
People really like to push the Vero/CXB/Citiled COBs at everything, but sometimes people just want/need to use regular lightbulbs.
You can get quality led bulbs for less than a dollar per watt anyway, it's not a big ripoff like overpriced blurple panels...
14 watt, 1600 lumen.
4 pack, 31 dollars. Less than a dollar per watt
That's roughly a 23 watt CFL bulb. (More in practice)
The philips one has 100 lumen less but...
Spectrum should be very compareable to typical phosphor cobs at a similar colour temp.
23 watt CFLs tend to have around 70 lm/w.
23 watt ones tend to be the most efficient iirc. (lower wattage ones are less efficient)
They're omnidirectional though, so they need reflectors. So there are going...
How important is that they are in the 15 watt range?
They're 9 watt each, 24 dollar (exclusive shipping) for 108 watt.
I assume you're from the US...
These are very good bulbs
Not sure if on Amazon
Also look up this thread
Also if a LED is directional, you...
It's just that at that price, you can have a lot of underdriven COBs or those Samsung mid power boards.
80 watt is already a 350 quid fixture.
That's expensive.
And it's just 36 Leds at a moderately high current (relative to their max load).
For less money you can buy 2 QB304 kits form...
"Made in the UK"
The most important parts, LEDs and Drivers aren't made in the UK, besides the fact that "made in the UK" is meaningless.
And for such a high price you could expect the LEDs to be driven lower than that.
T5 is already dead.
Just get some phillips LED T8.
The Master Ledtube goes up to 148 lm/W. (probably one of the colder colour temps)
And generic cheap led tubes you can get on ebay or whatever are also more efficient than T5...
Diodes/chips and the driver are pretty much the only things that matter any way.
And the heatsink on that thing isn't anything special either.
Also it's a shame they don't give their total light output numbers.
Instead we only get PPFD (no PPF or PAR watt)
The PPFD on those panels is clearly...
Osram LEDs are German.
Epistar leds are Taiwanese.
Their stuff may get assembled in the UK (so they can claim the growlight is made in the UK), but the parts are from all over the world.
"made in the UK" doesn't actually add any value whatsoever.
Osram makes great LEDs, but that's dropping 2200+ pounds for lights that may not outperform a 1000 watt Gavita.
HPS being a little less efficient is a total non-issue when you're paying an 1800 pound premium.
This seems more like some irrational dislike to HPS or irrational love to overpriced...
What drivers are the best $/watt wise?
I'm trying to come up with builds that have roughly the same efficiency and price as a 1000watt Gavita. (or better efficiency/same price)
The biggest cost isn't the LED.
It's the LED driver that actually takes up the most amount of money.
With high power...
Either the 600 watt if you're replacing a regular SE 1000 watt HPS.
If you have a DE Gavita or something similar, then you will need more power to replace it.
Is btw better than the CLU048 framework.
Slightly more par watt, and cheaper.
But no, it won't beat a Gavita 1000 (actual 1220) watt double ended.
Not because it isn't more efficient (the LEDs are way more efficient), it's because a...
So if I've done it right.
At 1400ma, it will have 2,40 µmol/J.
49% efficient. (158/321) > 4.86*0.49
Better to do the test differently.
Bunch of peppers in 1 gallon pots, try 3 plants per light.
Try to use a 250 watt HPS (or a CMH) instead, perennial plants like tomatoes or peppers don't need as much light as a marijunana.
Since you can just flower them for years as opposed to only have a...