Why couldnt the same thing be accomplished with some indicas? Unless autos yield more than regular indica breeds... which would be the first time Im hearing this.
Also, it really does not matter what the "time from seed" is, flowering time is really all the matters.
I was mostly just getting...
Better hurry boys, in 20-30 years weed "could" be at $50/lb. I just wonder if weed will hit your price target before or after Tesla is the #1 auto producer in the US.
On the bright side, at those prices weed should literally be dirt cheap right? Also, in this scenario it doesnt sound like...
3 square ft? or 3'x3'... a little bit of a difference there... Assuming your statement is true, thats a pretty incredible yield for autos... 150gs per sqft. wow. any documentation on this at all?
Also, why couldnt a fast flowering indica be just as productive?
I asked you what light you are using, you completely ignore it and tell me youre not going to do my homework for me... Be a hell of a lot easier to do the homework if I had any clue what I was looking for. You leave out so much information that apparently people should just know, about your...
Not in this thread, which is the whole point. Not once in this thread did you mention you had already sunk the cost of the chiller and running it into your setup, otherwise I doubt people would have called you out on the "free lunch" idea. The argument there, Im pretty sure, was that you would...
I dont think Ttystikk ever mentioned the fact that he already had a chiller in his setup. That would make an argument for "free lunch" but I don't know if I would go so far as to call it genius.
Have yall factored in the fact that with the increased light output at lower temperatures, voltage rises as well? So its consuming more electricity.
I feel like water cooling is only necessary if you plan on driving the COBs very hard, and it would seem no one typically does that anyways.
The version 7s should hit around mid october or so.
Also I think people put too much weight into spectrum when discussing LED. If you consider all the research out there now, color temp simply isnt that important.
If you want tight node spacing in veg and youre going LED I would probably...
Yep, totally understand. If theyre there you might as well use em! Im just extremely curious whether that 100w on the blue reds would have been more effective running say, another COB in each row perhaps.
Info like that could have a significant impact on the DIY light builds.
Thats a nice clean build right there. Very nice.
My only concern would be the intensity of the COBs vs the singles... Assuming the COBs need to be kept further away and thus the singles are further away than ideal.
Id actually be very curious to see how your lamp would fair if you ran...
1. Mount bulbs sideways. You could use one for veg if this were the case and probably get even more usable light at half the watts.
2.prop the plants up to be as close to those lights as you can without it getting too hot for them.
3. scrog them.
Any questions? If not, best of luck.
Thats a very nice screen youve filled in there. Out of curiosity how close are your lights to the buds and have you tried to see how close you can get it to the tops?
Just another option: Make individual scrogs for each pot.
The other options seem better but if you need to keep removing them to water them it is an option.
IMO opinion this will be a state led charge. A majority of states will have to force the governments hand, and even then it will be a hard sell. Too many conflicts of interest.
Eventually is pretty broad term, wouldnt you say?
Lets put it this way, any investment anyone makes into growing MJ in any market outside of legal for rec states at this time will remain profitable long after it has paid itself off and wasnt that the whole argument about "start saving your...