haha i think i know what strain ur talkin about is it Chocolate thai...i had it last year it knocked me on my ass...it was a brownish colour nd very crystaly....any good?
ahah u fucked up man...u do NOT give plants nutes at 3 weeks nd then flush them nd then then put vinegar to the soil....nd ur ph was wayyy to high... try 5-7 tops..they also look a bit over watered
i used that shit before...i wouldnt reccomend it just because its slow releasing...nd mircale grow i dont use either..have used it in tha past..it does work somewhat..but i what i use is fox farm soil ..its the best i find...
also i usualy have my humidty set more than that...so theres moisture in the air that also may help....the more humidity the more damper the leaves are gunna be which is better than them being crispy...
umm never heard of that relly before...are the fans moving or just still??... if u can id move the fans away from the plants a bit...nd put it on a slower setting u dont really need ur fan to be on 24/7 its good to have it one that long but i usually shut it off when i turn off my lights....i...
yea lol..i reamember when id smoke 3 grams at one time in my bong after like 7 bowls i was at my high point from then on i didnt get any higher eventually i cut back .nd i usually blaze 3 times a day....once right when i get up "wake n bake" ..again around dinner time...then again before bed...
thanks mann...thats how i watered my outdoor plants id wait until the soil was dry ....its in a pretty small cup... just under half the size of a 500ml water bottle with same width..wen do u think i shud transplant?
ive got a few questions....usualy i buy clones off people not used to germaniting nd such....i put a germated seed in some soil in a small cup....its been a few days now nd its grown pretty fast its now atleast 5-6 inches tall....its gunna be indoor soo im was just wondering how much shud i...
wow lmaoo u guys smoke alot..i used to be like tht when i was a teen id smoke a quarter a day if not more.....now a days it more like 1-2g's all in one of my 5 bongs haha....i find once u smoke so much u dont even get high anymore its just a waste ...so now when i smoke weed i get blazed instead...
ass it grows spray more nd more on it at a time..make sure theres holes in the bottom for proper drainage .....when u first need to trnasplant it make sure u give it plenty of water afterwards
droughts happen all the time..move to a nexx strain or somethin....theres none left cause evryone wants it...its harvest season anyways for outdoor growers..so jus wait nd there willl be a unlimited amount of supply for u to buy...+ canada never gets drought ahahahah fukers
FUCK THE POLICE FUCK THE POLICE IF IT IS THE DEA FUCK THE POLICE....fuckin police.got nuttin better to do than eat donuts nd get high off our stashes..fuk em