I know u already have the veros I think u said
But honestly two or three quantum boards would be much more manageable heat wise in my limited experience with both
I can't get over how cool and bright they are
I'm growing in almost the same dimensions as u my cab is 22"x40"
It's lit by only one vero 29 and one quantum board for less than 180 watts and the plants are very happy
Just to give u an idea I think ur plan would be waaaay too much light
It's gonna be a few more weeks before I can make it happen but I am def going to get 4 boards and I think one driver will actually work fine for me in a rack system
I always keep my plants under two feet so I think a 240 will be enough power after seeing the performance my one 90w kit i got from...
@robincnn you have prolly answered this a time or two but I just thought I'd get ur opinion
I wanna do a rack system in my closet it's two by two
I was thinking four boards two on top level and two on bottom and wanna use two drivers
Would these work...
personally I can't bring myself to pay over 100 a pack I got a bunch of damn kids
It means some breeders I just may not get to try but honestly some of the best weed I've grown came from free seeds
Al is a standup dude I like how u handled basement danks first hater lol
One of them I culled
Some damn fungus gnat larvae was eating on the taproot since it popped
They usually don't bother me at all but I'll get some mosquito dunks and be rid of them in a day
My wife has been complaining about sniffing gnats up anyways lol