Those cheap ebay cobs who don't specificy exactly what part number they're using are complete crap.
Especially the 2nd one.
And the 1st one reads like a scam, "Also, its spectrum is almost the same to CREE CXB 3700, and is also a cost-effective replacement of CREE CXB 3700."
CXB3700 does not...
Great Cree XTE SMDs or CXB cobs are twice to thrice as efficient as cheap China leds.
So it's the difference between having a 100 gram harvest or having a 200-300 gram harvest
Interesting but that LED uses surrounding heat as an additional energy source so it's almost certainly not going to work at scales large enough for plants.
Because IR leds don't exist, eh?
And people pull still more watt per gram (the whole system, ventilation, lights etc. added) with CXB led fixtures than with Gavitas even without IR.
The Hanspanel for example is almost twice as efficient
The Ebay led most likely uses Chinese epiled which is known to be inefficient while the Hans panel has new Cree XTE diodes which are top of the line
Different brands mean a lot with...
And what happens with the light?
Put the lights in an enclosed box and the 250 watt box will be hotter than the 150 watt one.
Besides that a platinum isn't 60% efficient.
Looks like a combo of white red blue green
They're also much more expensive than just CXB3590s.
Only their E60 panel is "cheap" nex to the rest of their panels.
1000 dollars for 630 watts and it's 450 nm, 660 nm, and 5700K white
Their LX601 uses the same wavelengths as the E60 but with...
Under 300$ with 2x4 foot CMH is the best.
(Much) more efficient than cheap blurple diode panels.
If you up your budget.
The T3-2100 from Tastyled will do 24*48 really well.
It's 530 dollar
It only draws 120-130 watt from the wall and it's not especially efficient.
With CFL it can handle some more.
But that's talking about non-autos.
Autos are different so you'd have to experiment.
3000K veros have pretty much the same spectrum as the 3000K crees.
Crees have a tiny bit more blue and green/yellow, Vero slightly more red. But very small differences, the 3590s are also quite a bit more efficient.
That's DE HPS 1000 watt though.
For smaller grows a 100 watt, 150 watt or 250 watt se HPS really lack efficiency compared to their higher powered counter parts.
If it's for a 2x2 or a 2x3 growbox grow then I don't think HPS brings enough efficiency to be worth its value, besides that a 250 watt...
How can a light mixture even be "proprietary design"?
You put a light spectrum meter under it and you have the complete spectrum figured out, why do they go so far to hide it on their site unless... they use shitty diode brands