We can hope for the best or be proactive and ensure our voices are heard, if not, forget not to prepare for the worst and learn how best & safe ways to collect and process trichomes into medicine that works best for the patient. As a patient I am not sure I would trust that all medicine is clean...
Thanks man, then the moment I realize it's not beloved kief as I am contemplating finding my wallet to pull out my credit card to start scraping it up my allergies kick in and my sneezing fit begins..though quickly brought out of my kief day dreams I smile and remember I'm not allergic to kief...
Really 13 views and you are all too medicated to reply in kind and identify with this or am I am the only one that sees pollen on my car from trees and shrubs...
Yeah I do, the was another grower that I gave guidance too his cab grow was phenomenal. ..if you trace my comment history you should come across his cab grow....
if you can't find it let me know I'll dig a little deeper... it's about about control over environment...
No not at all, but I use them exclusively now as vegging lights... I use Area 51 for my flowering, multiple reasons...
Let me know if I can be of anyone assistance on them. BTW they've been running almost 48 months without issues. ... :)
Yes, Ed Rosenthal was my source... I did have a chance to pock his brain during hemp fest a few years back on Seattle and he gave me some finer points I have implemented in my PHOGS design. Passive Hydro Organic Grow System. ..
Hit me up if you need specifics addressed...
Fellow Cannabisourers,
Just wanted to finish up this thread in particular stating there is NO comparison, hands down Green Thumbs up when it comes to the Area 51 RW 150 verses the Onyx Bloom. From light output to coverage yield and quality, not to mention lower power cost and less heat...
Hi Rory,
Yeah I've been looking at videos on how to collect and grow your own mycorrhizae very interested in producing my own... I do have packaged spores from various companies. I like the idea of being able to add some indigenous fungi to my soil bins.
Thanks I knew I could count getting honest independent feedback. I did notice bulb hours not aware of light engine lifespan issues. Luxim?
Reps I spoke too assure bulbs last a year, assurances on reliability and warranty coverage. .Yada Yada ya...
Still curious about anyone with...
Pine needles are great for blueberries and other plants that like an acidic soil...they will lower the PH in a heartbeat locking out a lot of nutrients our ladies like... now if your soil becomes alkaline use a little at a time it doesn't take much.
DonPetro knows his fungi what I have is certainly Phylum Ascomycota Genus Peziza...
Thank you Don...I will be collecting this and incorporating them into my soil biology via compost and compost tea...
Don is correct I make my own Biochar....it's easy to do and it's a carbon negative acticity in that one can reduce C02 and methane that is released into our atmosphere by cooking wood instead of letting it decompose or burning it...
How can I help who's interested in making Biochar?
Exactly what I was thinking feed it to my worms or let it set in one of my recycled soil bins...
I do make tea on occasion I could throw some in with the brewing compost.
Hey my friends so far I'm going with Phylum Ascomycota Genus Peziza based on what I've seen so far. I have yet to check out the Audubon society feildguide.,
so I'm reserving judgment till I see it. If I'm correct I should inoculate my soils with this fungi?