At least there weren't any riots though, I mean god forbid we have muslims rioting in the streets. That would really bring out the white supremecists.
How about you stop giving me advice on what I should be doing and go take care of yourself Sunni.
You've made your position clear, good for...
You think I am against the kid, I am more against all the people who support this nonesense. If this was my child I wouldn't be crying foul play at all. I would be whoopin my childs ass for doing something so retarded.
I took stories from many sources, looked at many peoples opinions and come...
You can't equate Uncle Ben to the whole south, I get that racism is still here and alive, trust me I get that. But I don't get this shit being blown up to the point the kid gets a free ride and a caitlyn jenner red carpet rolled out for him.
All this shit is a distraction from the real...
He straight suckered America just like they always do, grab those poor bleeding hearts and make them feel worse than if they actually beat the shit out of the kid.
I guess cause he isn't black he is muslim so instead of getting shot right away they gave him a free ticket to the white house.
When it gets blasted all over the liberal news media within hours of it happening, companies start making offers, AND the potus invites you to come hang out... all in one day...
you've gotta be fuckin kidding me, not even willie nelson gets that treatment.
I've talked to my buddies who are techies and they are like well I brought shit like that to school.. no bro no you didn't. They didn't bring anything that looked even remotely like a fuckin bomb. Because we weren't fuckin stupid, decent parents make decent kids. Unfortunately we got all these...
You ask me to tell you who is starving and then tell me the parents are pieces of shits, how about you take your head out your ass and go look up the information yourself.
I am sitting here contributing to the political discussion not trolling like an assblaster.
I agree those are fairly objective observations. They got everyone on the racist kick again ever since the cops started getting real down and dirty. I feel we have a long way to go to overcome the racial constructs of the past but all this racist shit is getting blown way out of proportion...
Letting another living being starve is very cruel, it happens every day and most people don't bat an eye. I know I am reaching for the stars here but in reality food should be widely available. You should be able to walk down the street and see an apple tree or some other fruit that you can grab...
I am just not 100% sure that it is complete racism and just people didn't handle the situation correctly. It isn't every day someone walks in with a suitcase full of wires but yet everyone acts like this kind of shit happens all the time so it has to be racism.
I am not saying it doesn't have a...
Depends, if you steal food from a grocery store to feed your family I don't feel nearly as bad as if you were to steal it from another starving family.
The grocery store is going to throw all the shit they don't sell out anyways so to me it makes sense. But I also believe in the rule of law, no...
And that is what fucking shocks me about his trip to the white house and free school for the rest of his life. Yeah he deserves an apology, MAYBE someone needs to get talked to about the situation so they handle it better next time but really this kid is no fucking hero.
YUP AMEN, I love how the one dude points out exactly what I was saying. How do we fuckin know what really happened we weren't there we don't know how the situation was really handled but most of us had already taken sides before the conversation started.