Everyone wants to make it out like it is cut and dry, it really isn't. Not one of us were there yet we got people screamin racism and all kinds of other shit.
I hear where you are coming from, I just don't think shit is so simple.
I just don't think he actually built that thing from scratch, all the racist bullshit involved is pretty horrible. Crazy shit happens every day here now and it gets sensationalized.
I was wondering why this got such attention, the child brought a briefcase to school that turned out to be an alarm clock dismantled and put back together. It went off in his class so the teacher called the police to inspect because it is not legal to bring bombs or hoax bombs in..
I think they...
Straight fire coming from a solo cup, I had two ladies I believe of the excalibur not sure where I posted those pictures.
They definitely deserve a place in the garden, I enjoyed the smoke for sure!
I saw a whole bunch of clips put together of when bystanders get hit. I am glad I didn't see anything close up because that shit is real. Unlike anything I have ever seen from hollywood.
Now if muricans are doing that saudi arabian street racing (I youtubed it because a coworker showed me it one day) then I can understand why they are doing it here LOL.
Have you seen some of those crazy drifting videos? Insane the lack of regard for the lives of others. Hell even their own lives.
hahaha yeah I probably should have mentioned that, otherwise I would have thrown this in toke n talk. Just grinds my gears they won't do shit to that guy but they will do all kinds of stuff to people who live here everyday. And he says fuck america to top it off, I mean freedom of speech but...
What a straight up doucher, I bet you it was a rental though. No way anyone would do that to their own car... I mean would they??? its a fuckin ferrari ...
Did he actually hit that other car or was that the dip in the road??? nm maybe its just the backfire?
This shit annoyed the hell out of me
Yup the promos go as soon as they are up, not much can be done about that other than be ready for the next round. I was considering getting the 24k Tangie or just plain Tangie but I missed out on the promo.
Not a big deal for me those seeds would just get put in line.
Whoops I got the white flag still waving guys, I can't be starting proxy wars in the NGR thread.
BTW Beemo has shown some dank here and there, I just don't like his attitude that we are cheap because we don't want to pay extortionate prices for a seed. In all due honesty this shit should be...