picking up cream of some young coconut in an Asian market.... boblowblah had you not shared we would of never known this about you....:lol: and a morning person at that! :lol:
Hey Dankster...
Check out these two clones I took each from their own mother. These are a cross between G13/AK47, not sure what to call it or if it has a name.
Anywise they are only a foot tall each and since they were girls I decided to let them go to flower completely and am hoping in about...
Sounds like your only problem you'll have is the hangover tomorrow. Ha, have a Cadillac or Ultimate on me.
I like top shelf Tequila One and one-half oz (Patron Silver) with 1 oz Grand Mariner Orange Liquor 1/4 oz FRESH SQUEEZED
lime juice.
Anywise that is what I am pouring myself right now...
Thanks RedCarpetMatches for da rep, can't wait to see how they do after a full cycle. Say their mama's are heavy eaters and they keep me busy with their soil I should transplant them to 2g for both mommies are 42 inch babes that are dying to bust. However due to space constraints I am forced to...
thanks for the rep, on those gals there there Mama's were heavy feeders so give em all ya got!
Anywise notice the Aloe Vera start in the background with them? DankSwag
Here is a pic of G13/AK47, these are 2 clones 1 foot tall in 1 gal cloth, decided to flower them out after sexing them to get a pre taste of what the next grown out clones might taste like. Good news here is each one a clone from its own mother.
If your looking hang somewhere while vacationing in upper NW of good ole USofAfghanny umm America, your welcome to take load off your feet a load of my titanium nail but you need to drop your own load along the way before stopping by, number 1 only when visting! :lol: LMAO!
It's all good...
Not sure if you have checked out my PHOG links in my signature? My cloth pots sit on top of silca rocks (hygro-mite) that reside in shallow storage containers filled with water. For I use passive hydroponincs to water and provide oxygen to the roots that grow through the cloth pots...
There are many forms (sources) of CaCK03, calcium carbonate. Mostly found in rock and sea shells.
If you source of lime is labeled dolomite lime it has more than just Ca in it, it also has various ratios of Ca to Mg mine is 22%\11%. Dolomite lime can come in many forms that...
I found the post I meant to reference from Cann (https://www.rollitup.org/organics/673002-oyster-shell-substitute-dolomite.html#post9248117)
I've used Epsom and Dolomite lime and fish bone meal to get calcium in my soil when building out a mix for my containers or amending to...
Speaking of rocks hmm specifically crushed shell oyster shell that would be calcium carbonate... supposed to have good Cal to Mg? ratio as to not lock up soil with extra magnesium? Anywise who has used powered Oyster shell that dissolves in water with container gardening? I understand some type...
Been going back through my notes and came across another possible situation when it comes to Nitrogen uptake. Calcium in this ROLS I know I did not add back any calcium before reusing the existing soil\root web from previously harvested plants.
So I grabbed some oyster shell powder for I have...
Not only cheaper but you can grow Aloe and use it for the betterment of you health as well.
I've read a lot of different Aloe recipes with fulvic acid ect... I decided to try myself and from the results I posted there is no question in my mind CloneX is a waste of money for my Aloe clones were...
I used Aloe Vera straight from the plant that I am growing. In fact you can clone them easy as well by removing a cutting letting the cut dry in the air for 24 hours then planted into soil and water well to start it off. They are easier to clone...
I used Aloe Vera straight from the plant that I am growing. In fact you can clone them easy as well by removing a cutting letting the cut dry in the air for 24 hours then planted into soil and water well to start it off. They are easier to clone then cannabis. But then again that is...