What if i told you the tent was in a poorly insulated area requiring a heater that is drying out the air. I don't see why I would ever need a dehumidifier. My levels are 20%, even for late flowering thats awfully low.
I'm currently running a 400w mh/hps in a 48"x48"x80" tent, I want to keep my humidity around 60% for my seedlings in there but am having trouble regulating with a storebought humidifier. Can anyone recommend a digital one that has a decent sized tank, capable of running atleast 24 hours...
I've been considering a product like this for awhile, I just assumed they already existed. Black Box would be cool, and the pH adjustment system certainly seems possible. How is it made? Where are the sensors from?
I suppose i could turn the heater on low every night and just hope it doesnt go over the 85F max overheat turn off. The problem is that i cannot control an automatic setup where it turns on under 65, and shuts off over say 80 and this cycle continues. Unfortunately the temperature outlet i...
This is what Im working with. Haven't found a way for it to turn on under 60-65F http://www.walmart.com/ip/45466950?wmlspartner=wlpa&adid=22222222227033976293&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=72187261352&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=140125456352&veh=sem