Already lost over half my yield to mold this season. Here's what I've salavged from harvesting some early. We'll see if the rest makes it to the end of the season
So half the crop is lost to mold. Have a garbage bag filled with empty buds. Such a shitty end to an otherwise great season. Even some of the smaller plants have slight mold but i cut them off. Here's how they look currently. Probably a half pound of bud gone. Only 3 oz wet salvageable...
Thank you for the post, very fun to read. Seems like our plants went through a very similar season. Yours is much larger and bushier, youll pull a pound easy, maybe two. The carports seem like a great idea but at this point it is too late, and i don't have room for it at my current location...
That plant looks so perfect I'd be afraid to transplant. But if you really want to its possible, wash the rootball until theres nothing left except roots, just be really gentle
Doesn't seem like much but had they completley filled out they couldve added up. Also pulled off some popcorn buds that were rotted aswell, no big deal. Just hope it doesnt spread, rest of the plant looks solid. Harvest in 3-4 weeks
My problem isn't the necessarily the rain, its that after the storm the plant was laying on the ground for a day or two until i checked on it. I cut off all the spots with rot, easily an ounce or more. Guess its better than the whole thing.
Checked the plants after a storm this weekend and unfortunately, the biggest was nearly snapped in half by the wind. I managed the stake her up and string her, but some of the bud sites were molded from being on the wet ground. I cut them off and here's where we're at
I actual have slight PM on some of my lower leaves but not enough to be a problem. Hoping for some color soon and even better if the yield goes as expected.