Ours is made by active eye. But I wouldn't recommend it. You have to hold the 2 sections apart to activate the light. Which is a pain. This is like ours...
Vnsmkr gets it. There are a lot of people and friends that would say I'm paranoid. When in reality I'm a realist. A realist with a healthy obsession with really cool gadgets (did I mention I can see in the dark?)
Last year some fools dressed up as sheriffs and took a caregivers plants, gun...
I was constantly on my son about keeping things straight. If you don't need it don't drive with it. Only break 1 law at a time. If you've got smoke on ya, don't speed. Don't give them any reason to strip your rights, it's already to easy and the sytem is setup to do just that.
Don't let a...
Yeah I have the truck setup to sleep in and parked in a spot that will leave intruders guessing.
It could very well have been a couple animals. They are still harvesting wood next door but I know loggers that say they see deer every day when they come into their cutting. It's pretty dry up...
Come on now I'm sure we could work something out. Especially if I get the other chunk of land I'm after. You don't have to resort to violence.
I wouldn't go as far as to say, I lead a care free life. Though I do feel blessed.
Yeah I decided to finish it up. The night before last, my American bulldog/rotti (sheriff) mix was freaking out. Barking at the back door. I shined my spotlight up back to see if I could see what he was barking at. I heard something in the woods breaking branches. (Acorns are dropping throughout...
Finally got a door and the rest of the wire on the wife's 20x24 enclosure.
At first I was just going to use this as a temporary enclosure, so I didn't use pressure treated lumber. Now I'm thinking I will just leave it up till it rots out. So tomorrow I'm going to get the materials to build a...
His neighbor told him earlier this summer he was going to be robbed this year.
While he was there helping that neighbor build his garage.
I went to school with the neighbor. He's a looser, a women beater and a junkie. I personally know a girl he dated who's jaw he broke in 3 places. She finally...
A friend stopped by today, I assumed to speak to me of the month to come.
He told me some unsettling news. He recently had to travel to see a sick relative. Came home to find all his plants had been stolen, all 36 of them. Most were immature.
It amazes me how low some people will stoop. In...