From the Mountain, Till I Die, (till I die) Till I Die....
On the West side, I grow Dope and thrive, Till I Die, (till I die) Till I Die...
The Wife knows, wife knows... I'm to be Buried up on the Top (Hoe)
Same. Wish I had bought 1 years ago.
Running half the crew as normal. 4 people can't keep up. I still have time to tear down and clean atleast twice a day. Not to mention flipping the blades once and scraping the grill down aswell in between.
Glad to hear things are going well.
Best wishes...
My local tavern has been holding those for me for 3 months now. I missed out on a twisted tea race car hood. They auctioned off a bunch of displays and such a while ago to get some new equipment. So when they got these in they held them for me.
I love how the barter system is coming back.
New bar stools for the bar I need to build in my basement.
Have a line on a 3" thick 30" wide by 14 ft maple slab for a bar top too. Should make for a nice bar top.
For those wanting an added layer of security. Here is a cheap inexpensive little trick.
Smoke grenade tops, shotgun primer's and trip wire.
All you need to do is drill the old primer out to the size of a shotgun primer and attach to a solid object (like a 1/2 inch pipe driven into the ground)...
We've started trimming on Wednesday this week. This year we don't have as many friends helping so it's a good thing I bought a trim reaper. So far the trim machine is working great. It makes short work of a plant. It takes 4 people breaking branches down to keep up with me running the machine...
I got the lumber to build the roof on my wife's enclosure 3 days ago. So far all I've gotten done is setting up the staging, unloaded the lumber and stacked it neatly on blocking. It seams like every day there is something that distracts from my project. Yesterday it was coin operated laundry...
They should change the name of it to Burning Women. Cause let's face it some of those girls are just Hot. I especially love that they like to play dress up.... Burning Man just puts visions of std's in my head.
Ok ok, now for the bud porn.
The last couple rounds of pictures I've posted were taken by my wife. Including this one.
I just love how her little hands make everything look big.... :clap: