We named ours Sheriff. We got him right before we moved up on the mountain.
There's only room for 1 Sheriff on this mountain.
American bulldog x Rottweiler.
Greencure is safe to use all the way through from what I've read. With that said if I do have to use it late in flower, I try not to spray the flowers, just the effected leaves. So it doesn't spread to the bud.
I haven't had to use Greencure since I started spraying my lawns though.
That picture was taken a few days ago. They have been growing great lately, must be getting ready to flip soon.
We've been so busy this summer I haven't had much time to check out everyones grows. The ones I have looked at all look awesome. Wish I had more time....
I had been wondering what you had going on with the greenhouse. Seeing how you had all those big girls out in the yard. Everything is looking great. You folks are going to have a stellar year.
That greenhouse is looking wicked legit..!!
We feed ours even if it calls for rain.
If we get a heavy rain we'll mix a hotter batch and just give them less of it.
Unfortunately we haven't been getting much rain this season. So we are watering every other day, with 900ml of Maxsea per 200 gallons. For the 24 in the large greenhouse. For...
Yeah we don't use this stuff on anything but our lawns.
If you saw how much powdery mildew we get on the clover and grass up here, you would probably be spraying E20 too....
The first year we didn't know about it. Ended up with some powdery mildew on our plants that I combated with green...
No sign of any mold on my plants...... Yet.
Our lawn on the other hand.... We have tons of clover on our lawns and it's a powdery mildew magnet. So I spray our lawns with Eagle20. First thing in the spring before plants go in we cut the grass and I spray inside the greenhouse. Then we cut and...
No heat.
The plastic protects them from any frost. The plastic will be going on the big greenhouse first of August. Last August we had dew on the grass every morning.
They get direct sun from as soon as it comes up till it heads over the mountains at sunset.
I was searching for those fire hose ends. Then I realized those spigots have threads on them (2" pipe thread I believe).
You'll enjoy your new tank. I have 3 and still want more.
So certain people shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Your opinion matters more then anyone else's.
You're better then everyone else.
You make more money (yet have the time to be the top poster on RIU) (laughable)
You are the biggest, conceded racist on this forum..!!
But I'm sure you already knew that.