Is there a benefit to a bean wax? :D I have plenty that are waiting to be popped that could use a polishin! Hahahaha, damn I was about to scoop up some grandpas breath last night with the promo but I wanna dig myself outta the hole first :P. Damn seed junky I am its so hard not to buy them it...
I wouldn't consider myself a friend of DVG yet, although I do hope it progresses there. I am not a tester either, I put my hard earned dollars on the line just like the rest of you.
I have however met Ken and many of his associates that worked in the various GDP collectives in the bay area. One...
Yeah sorry your girlfriend was on her period again, I wiped off the blood I know how you don't like polishing a bloody knob.
Just tell your girl to get fixed so we don't have to deal with that anymore.
Pretty crazy that it is legal to do that, I mean i've donated a lot of money compared to how much was in my wallet at the time for various causes. Anytime there is a big disaster the wife always wants to donate, I told her we need to slow down with that and if we are to make a real impact DO...
I have been reading stories from charities using only 3 cents for every dollar donation to outright not knowing what happened with the money. It has me thinking (and obviously most asshats here are gonna use that against me), it seems like a very bright way to strip folks of their hard earned...
I don't base my knowledge off one grower, but that could be my fault.
Maybe your friend just doesn't know how to grow decent weed.
Someone call the straw man in here, "If he only had a brain"....
I bought some epsom salts that say they are great for the garden or for US. I got it from saltworksusa for like 5 bucks and free shipping. Stuff works amazingly well, I have found that putting a tablespoon for 5 gallons like once a month seems to perk the ladies right up. They need magnesium to...
How could you even take a dude seriously who writes a whole novel and at the end says "i def know youre lying ive run them except for jacks"
Sounds like a crock of shit, how can you even tell me Jacks doesn't stand up to other companies if you have never used it. Is that horseshit I smell?
:( the big worm seeds are in recussitation mode. Foliar fed to try and give them enough hydration to come back. The heat got to 100 and the little ones just weren't old enough to take it.
:( I am sorry big, they have a humidity dome back over them and i am praying.
Planet of the Apes? :fire:
I am really curious how the locktite grows out, I have the glue trap from red eyed! Maybe I will start mine and try to catch up to you.
Thank you for taking the time to post. I have been looking at HGNW for a while now and when they branched off I was thinking about buying from them even more. I have seen plenty of great test results come back and I got to toke the quantum before.
I am only keeping the best and running through...