No problem on answering for you, just a few short presses of some buttons. Wow that was weird to say, highhhhh. Also how the heck do you rep someones comment?
Also after the co2 has ran you usually want to wait about 7 to 10 minutes until turning back on your fans so that way the plants can uptake as much co2 as possible.
So I run around 6000 watts in my flower and I always turn off my exhaust fans when running co2. The plants are able to take higher heat when you running the right amount of co2. Also running dry ice in water over your plants is another good way of running co2 when you have a small area that's...
I love ya Sub and maybe it is just a thing of home pride, but I'm saying ol' Colorado. I also know a lot of people from the pacific northwest that brought their strains here with them, so there is a lot genetics here from other places as well. It's also funny cuz I knew somebody who grew...
Also just went back and seen that you are contesting that flushing is good, sorry bob. Another thing is that I really have no yellowing or stress on my plants when there being flushed, Usually green and healthy when they come down.
Never feed your plants up to harvest unless you want some shitty tasting medicine. Always flush your plants two to three weeks before harvest and you'll have great tasting stuff. You should never have to worry about yield when flushing like that as long as you know what your doing with the...
just popped some things from TGA and 24 of the 25 popped and they are looking good. Maybe check the ph in your water and also make sure your using proper soil that doesn't have a high NPK ratio.
See I'm right there with you on that, cuz really what's the point of producing shitty hash when we all have the knowledge of creating good quality trim from the medicine we grow and the knowledge of how to make it after we have grown that good medicine.
I have always enjoyed smoking my scissor hash after I am done trimming and its still like nice gooey bubble. Some of the best tasting hash in my opinion. Love the Scissor Hash.
I use them all the time and they work great, as Stu Stoned says they usually want to leave after running out of food, but I find using some cricket food from pets mart and some cotton balls soaked in some fresh water usually keeps them around and they keep breeding so you will always have a...
Just got done watching your workshop Frenchy and I am truly impressed sir, between you and Matt I am just itching to get some bags again. I don't know why I ever switched to BHO in the first place, something different at the time I guess. Also used to work with the qwiso method just had no idea...
your stuffs looking good bshdctr, I was on a bho kick for awhile and just recently decided to get back into bags and ice. Can't wait to have some trim to run. Jack Skellington, Plushberry, and Chernobyl.