I just successfully made some capsules that work good, but like you said they knock most people on their asses. I did make the recipe for me and heavy indulgers though. The main reason I started making them was cuz of my lungs or to help cut down on my smoking which it has helped a lot. The...
Just purchased my silver surfer vape not to long ago and its great, I'm not even thirty and my lungs hurt so much from the way I smoke. I do still smoke my doobies and hit the bong and pipe every once in awhile.
Yeah not to sure on the whole glow in the dark shit, sounds like your playing with genetics a little to much. I have read many articles on tissue culture that actually stays on the subject of tissue culture and it sounds pretty viable. Roses with THC though don't know, depends on if roses and...
My LavenderMy Deadhead OG This is for chef c. These are from my journal from not long ago. This and some others from my journal is all I have at the moment, I tore my room down not long ago cuz I was thinking of moving then decided not to so then upgraded everything and just got stuff in there...
In my opinion the thc does degrade after sittin in the sun/light that replicates the sun, the only reason I say this is because I dried and cured some medicine once near my lights due to lack of space at the time and the quality was so much worse than when I dry and cure in dark.
I know no one likes hearing this, but I have only just started my genetics. That is why I say someday. Give me a little while and I'll give you an idea of what I am doing, you just caught me while I was in the middle of working in the garden. Anyways I do have pics of work I've done in my...
OMG, it just brings me back like two years ago when my homie came to the house with some ChemD and only got it cuz the grower was out of the East Coast Sour D. Anyways top five smokes of my life, this was in Colorado area as well. Correct me if I'm wrong sub, but isn't ChemD the mother to the...
damn, I always over look things like that. Like yesterday I over looked where it said that the socks I was buying were combed cotton, right in front of my face.