I may just be Crazy but we are having a harvest party up here on October 17th for Family, friends and some acquaintances from the marijuana industry. We have a local band that will be playing some clasic rock till night fall. Then we'll be having a DJ'd dance party..!!
I have a lot to do...
I know I have the plans and material list somewhere around here. We buy all our materials in one order so we can get the best deal. 24 x 64 = $2,000 for pt frame, chicken wire and strapping. I Will find the info and get it to you as soon as I find it.
We've been buying all our seeds for years now. We actually buy 2 grand worth just for outdoors. We germinate and raise them all till thier 2-3 ft and sell off what we're not keeping for our greenhouses. This pays for all our seed and compost every season.
I have done some reading on breeding...
You must be from Maine.
I really like the MOB but I've never known anyone that's ever been able to cross MOB back to itself to produce seed. MOB is a real nice early strain. I have many friends that grow this outside here in Maine.
I've grown MOB inside, but outside I only grow from seed.
The haze blocks out some of the mountains at times.
This still doesn't do it justice, but if you fully zoom in it comes close.
On a clear day we can see 2 peaks in New Hampshire and a few in Canada.
We don't normally have mudslides here fortunately. There's a lot of ledge, boulders and glacial till. The vegetation holds it all together. The upper property has a lot of runnof ditches that divert the water into our pond. Unfortunately the lower half doesn't and some of it ends up running...
Here's a video from 1/3rd the way up the mountain after coming up the first big incline. (Didn't want to show how to get up here from the main Rd.) It's steeper then it looks. Our driveway gets hammered by runnof/washouts.
The truck came from ( gov planet . com ). I watched the auctions closely for over a month. At first they were going high. After all the people that wanted to pay big money for there trucks had there's the prices started to drop.
I won the auction on mine for $5,500. There's also the auction...
I think of home security like a target or dart board. (With your home and family at the center) There should be several rings of defense.
1) Familiarize yourself with your states castle law. (Some states castle laws are better then others) Maine's laws are similar to Texas..
2) Post your...
The plants are doing better then I thought they would have, with the conditions we've had here in Maine this summer. We've been getting a lot of morning dew lately. This week the covers will be going on both of the greenhouses.
We haven't had the truck long enough to know how it will do in...