End of May or first of June. Depending on how fast they mature.
Next year I'm going to order and start my seeds earlier. Instead of April 20th, I'm going to start them April 1st.
I start my mold prevention when picking my spring seed line up. A good mold resistant strain helps a lot. Each year I've been trying a few new strains and the rest are tried and true strains. We do grow in a greenhouse, but that' doesn't stop bud rot completely ether. Also try finding strains...
That's a good idea to go with an ac- dc pump. Those deep well pumps are spendy but your going to need the lift of a good pump.
I was just curious cause you were saying an artesian well. Which means you'd have to hit a positive pressure vain of water. To be true artesian.
Our dug well is 360 ft...
I was wondering how you folks were going to power that drilled well with no power up there..
I take it your going to be using a dc pump?
Or does it have positive presure, that pushes the water to the surface naturally?
I've seen that a lot of you folks make your own soil mix. Have any of you ever checked with landscaping companys to see what they have for compost?
Around here there is one place a lot of outdoor growers buy compost, and the company knows this. They sell there compost for $150 a yard, you truck...
The one Purps seed that hadn't popped is up now.
So we had 100% success rate on seed germination.
Besides a couple short seedlings, the rest are being transplanted into there cups today.
Yeah I didn't want to be rude and say nothing.. lol
I didn't level that slope out at all. I start off by placing a 64 ft string line down one side, then I drove 2 ft (+ or -) 2+4 spikes into the ground, 4 ft on center, plum and flush to the string. (All pressure treated) Then I attach a 2+4...
Got the table set up, light hung and all the cups labeled.
Also got all the battery's changed in the smoke detectors and put a new one in the veg area.